四个四重奏:第30期 干燥的萨尔维吉斯(11)

For most of us, there is only the unattended 就我们多数人来说,我们有的不过是被我们虚度的 Moment, the moment in and out of time, 瞬间,在时间之内和时间之外的瞬间, The distraction fit, lost in a shaft of sunlight, 不过是一次消失在一道阳光之中的心烦意乱, The wild thyme unseen, or the winter lightning 没有被人赏识的野百合花香,或是冬天的闪电 Or the waterfall, or music heard s...

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四个四重奏:第21期 干燥的萨尔维吉斯(2)

The river is within us, the sea is all about us; 河在我们中间,海在我们周围; The sea is the land’s edge also, the granite 海也是大地的边缘,它波涛滚滚 Into which it reaches, the beaches where it tosses 拍向花岗岩,它把暗示它在远古和不久前的创造 Its hints of earlier and other creation: 星星点点地抛向岸滩: The starfish, the horseshoe crab, the ...

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四个四重奏:第27期 干燥的萨尔维吉斯(8)

At nightfall, in the rigging and the aerial, 夜阑时分,在帆缆和天线里 Is a voice descanting (though not to the ear, 有歌声在反复吟唱(虽然在低声细语的时间弦琴 The murmuring shell of time, and not in any language) 既非为耳朵而弹奏,也未形之于任何语言): Fare forward, you who think you are voyaging; “向前行进吧,你们这些自以为在航海旅行的人; You are not those who saw the har...

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四个四重奏:第28期 干燥的萨尔维吉斯(9)

Lady, whose shrine stands on the promontory, 圣母啊,您的神殿屹立在海岬之上, Pray for all those who are in ships, those 请您为所有船上的人们, Whose business has to do with fish, and 为那些以渔业为生涯的人们, Those concerned with every lawful traffic 也为那些与一切合法的海上交通有关 And those who conduct them. 以及指挥他们的人们祈祷吧。 Repea...

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四个四重奏:第24期 干燥的萨尔维吉斯(5)

We have to think of them as forever bailing, setting and hauling, while the North East lowers over shallow banks unchanging and erosionless 我们应该想起他们一如既往在戽水,在张网和拉网,当那东北风势减弱吹过永不变化也永不销蚀的浅提, Or drawing their money, drying sails at dockage; 或者在船坞领取鱼钱,晒晾风帆; Not as making a trip that will be unpayable 而不...

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四个四重奏:第25期 干燥的萨尔维吉斯(6)

I have said before 我以前说过 That the past experience revived in the meaning 在涵义中复活的以往经验 Is not the experience of one life only 不仅是一个人一生的经验, But of many generations — not forgetting something that is probably quite ineffable: 而且是多少世代人的经验——不要忘记其中有的很可能根本无法言喻: The backward look behind the assurance of recorded history, the ba...

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四个四重奏:第29期 干燥的萨尔维吉斯(10)

To communicate with Mars, converse with spirits, 跟火星通话,与神灵交谈, To report the behaviour of the sea monster, 报告海妖的行为, Describe the horoscope, haruspicate or scry, 观测天象预卜未来,查看祭牲的内脏以释神谕, Observe disease in signatures, evoke 或从水晶球中观察幻象, Biography from the wrinkles of the palm 从签名的笔迹看出病症,从手掌的纹路 And tragedy from fi...

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四个四重奏:第20期 干燥的萨尔维吉斯(1)

The Dry Salvages 干燥的萨尔维吉斯 I do not know much about gods; but I think that the river 我不太了解神明;但我以为这条河 Is a strong brown god — sullen, untamed and intractable, 准是个威武的棕色大神——阴沉,粗野而又倔强, Patient to some degree, at first recognised as a frontier; 忍耐只能到一定侧过年度,起初人们把他认作一条边界; Useful, untrustworthy, as a conveyor of comm...

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四个四重奏:第22期 干燥的萨尔维吉斯(3)

The sea howl 大海的嚎叫 And the sea yelp, are different voices 和大海的呼喊,是不同的声音 Often together heard: the whine in the rigging, 常常能同时听到;帆索的哀鸣声, The menace and caress of wave that breaks on water, 海面上巨浪翻滚的恐吓和爱抚, The distant rote in the granite teeth, 远处的惊涛在花岗岩的齿缝中的排击声, And the wailing warn...

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四个四重奏:第26期 干燥的萨尔维吉斯(7)

I sometimes wonder if that is what Krishna meant — 我有时怀疑克里希纳说的是否就是这个意思—— Among other things — or one way of putting the same thing: 在别种涵义之外——或者同一件事的另一种说法: That the future is a faded song, a Royal Rose or a lavender spray 未来是一支消寂的歌,一朵殷红的玫瑰,或者是 Of wistful regret for those who are not yet here to reg...

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四个四重奏:第23期 干燥的萨尔维吉斯(4)

Where is there an end of it, the soundless wailing, 这无声的呜咽,这秋花的悄然谢去, The silent withering of autumn flowers dropping their petals and remaining motionless; 花瓣飘落从此凝然不动,它们的终极在哪里?沉船的残骸随波漂泊,白骨在岸滩上祈求, Where is there an end to the drifting wreckage, 那向宣布灾难临头的通告 The prayer of the bone on the beach, 发出无从祈求的祈求...

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