
Grow Up As Good Revolutionaries 长大成为优秀的革命家 To my children Dear Hildita, Aleidita, Camilo, Celia, And Ernesto: 致我的孩子希尔蒂塔,阿莱蒂塔,卡梅罗,西莉亚,还有欧内斯托: If you ever have to read this letter, it will be because I am no longer with you. 如果你们读到这封信的话,我已经不在你们身边了。 You practically will not remember me, and the sm...

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Remember that the revolution is what is important, and each one of us, alone is worth nothing. 要记住,革命才是重要的,而我们每一个单独的个体却毫无价值。 Above all, always be capable of feeling deeply any injustice committed against anyone, anywhere in the world. 最重要的是,要对在这个世界任何角落上出现的针对任何人的不公正保有深切同情。 This is the most beautifu...

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April 14th 4月14号 Dear Friend, 亲爱的朋友, How clever and capricious you are, cloaking yourself in anonymity, and I must confess I cannot for the life of me guess which of my many friends you can be. 你是多么聪明和任性,匿名写信。我承认我真的猜不出你到底是我哪一个朋友。 You have sent my head spinning and my imagination whirling. 你让我头晕目眩,想象力...

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Dear Dave, 亲爱的戴夫, This is in memory of an anniversary — the anniversary of October 27th, 1943, when I first heard you singing in North Africa. 这封信是为了纪念我们一周年,纪念1943年10月27日,我第一次在北非听见你的歌声。 That song brings memories of the happiest times I’ve ever known. 这首歌带给了我此生最美好的回忆。 Memories of a GI show troop ...

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April, 1950 1950年4月 Dear Madam, 尊敬的女士, Unless something is done at once about your disgusting exhibition in the filthy play you appear in every night, I and several of my friends will do something very unpleasant about it. 如果你每晚的肮脏戏剧还不停止的话,我和我的几位朋友就要对此做出一些不愉快的事情了。 What you and your co-partner Hermione Baddel...

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When you were sick you worried because you could not give me something that you wanted to and thought I needed. 你生病时,你很担心你不能给我我想要的,因为你觉得我需要。 You needn’t have worried. Just as I told you then there was no real need because I loved you in so many ways so much. And now it is clearly even more true—you can give me nothing now yet I love y...

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21 Oct 1996 1996年10月21日 To all those at MTV, 致MTV团队全体同仁 I would like to start by thanking you all for the support you have given me over recent years and I am both grateful and flattered by the nominations that I have received for Best Male Artist. 首先我向全体同仁致谢,感谢你们近几年来的支持。对于我获得最佳男艺术家的提名,我感到无上的感激与荣幸。 ...

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Dear President Eisenhower, 亲爱的艾森豪威尔总统, My girlfriend’s and I are writing all the way from Montana, 我和我的女朋友远在蒙塔纳州给你写信。 We think its bad enough to send Elvis Presley in the Army, but if you cut his side burns off we will just die! 我们认为让埃尔维斯·普雷斯利参军就已经够糟了,但如果你剪掉他的鬓角,我们还不如去死! You don...

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SpringField Ilinois 斯普林菲尔德 伊利诺伊 Oct 19,1860 1860年10月19日 Miss Grace Bedell My dear little Miss 亲爱的小格蕾丝·贝戴尔小姐: Your very agreeable letter of the 15th is received. 你15日发寄来的信件已经收到了。 I regret the necessity of saying I have no daughters— I have three sons— one seventeen, one nine, and one seven years of age. 很遗...

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16th October 1860 1860年10月16日 Hon A B Lincoln Dear Sir 尊敬的亚伯拉罕·林肯先生: My father has just home from the fair and brought home your picture and Mr. Hamlin’s. 我爸爸刚刚从集市上回家,带回来了您和汉密尔顿先生的画像。 I am a little girl only 11 years old, but want you should be President of the United States very much so I hope you wont think me v...

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March 30th, 1912 1912年3月30日 To the Editor of The Times. 致泰晤士报的编辑 Sir, After reading Sir Almroth Wright’s able and weighty exposition of women as he knows them, the question seems no longer to be “Should women have votes?” but “Ought women not to be abolished altogether?” 先生,在读过阿尔姆罗思·怀特对于女性的重要阐述后...

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Sir, 先生, Everyone seems to agree upon the necessity of putting a stop to Suffragist outrages; but no one seems certain how to do so. 大家似乎都认同终止这场女权运动的必要性,但似乎没人知道要怎么做。 There are two, and only two, ways in which this can be done. 有两种方法,也只有两种方法可行。 Both will be effectual. 这两种方法都是有效的。 1. Kill ev...

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19th of November, 1957 1957年11月19日 Dear Monsieur Germain: 亲爱的杰曼先生: I let the commotion around me these days subside a bit before speaking to you from the bottom of my heart. 在我由衷的感谢您之前,我让我最近躁动的内心稍稍平静了一些。 I have just been given far too great an honour, one I neither sought nor solicited. 我刚刚被授予了一个我这一生...

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In their exploration, they stirred the people of the world to feel as one; in their sacrifice, they bind more tightly the brotherhood of man. 他们用探索,让世界人民万众一心;他们用牺牲,让人类的手足之情更紧密。 In ancient days, men looked at the stars and saw their heroes in the constellations. 在古代,人们仰望星空,在星座中看到了他们的英雄。 In modern times, we...

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Later on in life they are subject to grave and long-continued mental disorders, and, if not quite insane, many of them have to be shut up. 她们在后来的人生中会遭受长期严重的精神障碍,如果不是相当疯狂,她们中的很多人以后都不能说话。 Now this being so, how much happier and better would the world not be if only it could be purged of women? 既然事实如此,那么这个世界如...

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This is my favorite memo ever. 这是我最喜欢的备忘录。 Here is our new cut of the South Park movie to submit to the MPAA. 这是我们向美国电影协会提交的《南方公园》电影最新剪辑版。 I wanted to tell you exactly what notes we did and did not address. 我想告诉你们我们做了那些改动,以及保留了哪些。 1. We left in both the “fisting” and the “rimjo...

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My Dear wife, I take the pleasure of writing you these few lines with much regret to inform you that I am sold to a man by the name of peterson a trader and stays in new orleans. 我亲爱的妻子,我写下这几句话是想告诉你,我被卖给了一位叫Peterson的商人,他住在新奥尔良。 I am here yet, but I expect to go before long but when I get there I will write and let you know where...

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Dear People of Europe, 亲爱的欧洲民众, Children, women, fathers and brothers just want to live. 这些儿童,妇女,父老,兄弟们只是想要生存。 Now they are fleeing from their home and countries, you call them refugees. They are humiliated in Europe. 如今,他们逃离了自己的家乡和祖国,被你们冠以”难民“之名。这些难民在欧洲受到羞辱。 Children, instead of drawing s...

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I have always been of the opinion that my music is unique and individual and exists beyond the realms inhabited by those who would reduce things to mere measuring. 我一直持有这种观点,我的音乐是独特的,唯一的,它的存在超越了纯数值计算。 I am in competition with no-one. 我不与任何人竞赛。 My relationship with my muse is a delicate one at the best of times and I f...

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For how many people are there in London today who realise that my “co-partner,” as you wittily dub her, is none other than Hermione Baddeley, and by the way, she wants me to thank you for the facsimile letter you sent her, and say that she is getting on in years and feeble, and is not able to attend to her correspondence as she would wish, and so she cannot answer your lett...

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