
Hello, I'm Congressman Steny Hoyer, from the state of Maryland. This week, the American people were presented with two strikingly different visions of their Congress. On Wednesday, in an example of bipartisanship and compromise, Democrats and Republicans came together to avert a government shutdown and pass a funding bill that both sides could – and did – support. Democr...

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Hi, I'm Representative Gordon Hintz with this week's Democratic Radio Address. The Republicans have made their priorities clear. They have consistently prioritized massive tax giveaways to the rich over ways to increase economic opportunity for all Wisconsinites. Most of our roads and bridges are in serious disrepair, and taxpayers continue to foot the bill for the i...

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口才交际技巧:不善言谈者成功交际的良方 无需例证,人们也会形成这样的共识:口才好的人在交际场上能够左右逢源,语言反应灵活,应答随机应变,在社会交际中人缘广结。反之则不然!这就使有些语讷迟钝的人对社会交际活动感到望尘莫及,常常使他们产生一种自惭形秽的感觉,认为交际只会青睐那些巧舌如簧者,对不善言辞的人是没有缘分的,致使一些木讷者丧失了交际的信心。那么,口才不好的人应该打入交际的...

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