TED演讲之身体语言 4D打印机的诞生(1)

This is me building a prototype for six hours straight. This is slave labor to my own project. 这是我正在做一个模型,足足花了6个小时。完全是苦力活。 This is what the DIY and maker movements really look like. 这就是所谓的自己动手做和自造者运动。 And this is an analogy for today’s construction and manufacturing world with brute-force assembly techniques. ...

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TED演讲之身体语言 4D打印机的诞生(4)

So remember, I said 4D. So today for the first time, we’re unveiling a new project, which is a collaboration with Stratasys, and it’s called 4D printing. 还记得我刚才提到了四维,今天我们首次向大家展示一个新项目,这是和Stratasys公司一同合作的,它叫做4D(四维)打印。 The idea behind 4D printing is that you take multi-material 3D printing — so you can dep...

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TED演讲之身体语言 4D打印机的诞生(5)

So I know you’re probably thinking, okay, that’s cool, 我知道大家现在大概会想,好吧,看着挺酷的, but how do we use any of this stuff for the built environment? 但是我们怎么把它应用到生产环境里? So I’ve started a lab at MIT, and it’s called the Self-Assembly Lab. 我在MIT(美国麻省理工学院)开展了一个实验室,它叫做“自我组装实验室”。 ...

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TED演讲之身体语言 4D打印机的诞生(3)

In three dimensions, we did a project last year at TED Global with Autodesk and Arthur Olson where we looked at autonomous parts — so individual parts not pre-connected that can come together on their own. 对于三维系统,我们去年在TEDGlobal和Autodesk(欧特克)以及Arthur Olson做了一个项目,我们研究了分散独立的零件——就是怎样让各自分散的部分自发的组合在一起。 And we b...

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TED演讲之身体语言 4D打印机的诞生(2)

So I’d like to propose that we can combine those two worlds, that we can combine the world of the nanoscale programmable adaptive materials and the built environment. 所以我建议把这两个世界结合起来,把纳米级上可程序化、能自我调节的材料和生产环境结合起来。 And I don’t mean automated machines. I don’t just mean smart machines that replace humans. 我...

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小宝宝的诞生,让您内心激动无比;而孩子的健康成长和全面发展,更是您和家人的殷切期盼。孩子的降生,就意味着责任的加重,各个方面的问题就会接踵而来,其中对孩子的教育就是一个极其重要的方面。 近年来,人们经常提到一个较新的概念——亲子教育,通俗一点来理解,狭隘一点来讲,就是主要指双亲参与到育儿过程中来,进而所施行的有意无意的教育。我们认为,父母在为孩子提供充足的物质保障的...

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