励志美文:第14期 愧疚

Guilt 愧疚 I value my freedom, so I neither give nor receive guilt. 我珍惜自己的自由,因此我即不产生也不接受愧疚。 I love and accept myself exactly as I am. 我爱并接受自己本来的模样。 This is a good affirmation for releasing guilt. 这是摆脱愧疚的一种积极的方式。 As a child, I was manipulated through guilt into good behavior. 孩提时,我被迫通过愧疚...

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励志美文:第26期 老旧的录音带

OLD TAPES 老旧的录音带 Have your mother made a tape telling you how wonderful you are. 让你的母亲为你录一段声音,夸赞你是多么出色。 I live in the Now. 我活在当下。 Old tapes of my childhood used to run my life. 孩提时听到的大人们的那些声音像老录音带一样常常在我耳边播放。 Most people have about 25,000 hours of parent tapes running through them. 大多数人的耳边都常常回放那些父...

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励志美文:第16期 做家务

Housekeeping 做家务 I continually clean the rooms of my mind. 我不断清理心灵的家园。 Simple household chores are a snap for me. 简单的家务活对我而言是一种休息。 I make housework fun. 干家务也是一种乐趣。 I begin anywhere and move through the rooms with artistic flair. 随便从某处开始,我像对待一件艺术品一样清理所有房间。 I toss out the garbage. 扔掉垃圾。 I dust and polish th...

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励志美文:第11期 家庭

Family 家庭 I picked the prefect set of parents for this lifetime. 此生,我选择了一对完美的父母。 All living beings are part of my family. 所有的生命都是我的家人。 I envelop my entire family in a circle of love–those who are living, and those who are dead. 我用爱包围整个家庭,包括所有活着的和逝去的人。 I affirm wonderful, harmonious experiences that are meaningful for ...

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励志美文:第23期 新闻

NEWS 新闻 I spread the good news. 我传播正面新闻。 I envision positive news reports. 我期待正面的新闻报道。 We read so much in the news about disasters; there is so much bad news flooding our consciousness. 如今的新闻中充斥着大量灾难性的报道,有太多坏消息涌进我们的意识。 If you read and listen to the news all the time, you are sure to scare yourself. 如果你整天读报纸或者看电...

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励志美文:第2期 肯定

Affirmations 肯定 I use my affirmations wisely. 对肯定善加利用。 In the beginning is the word. 从正面词汇开始。 Every single thought I have and every sentence I speak is an affirmation. 我每每所想所说的都是一种肯定。 It’s either positive or negative. 肯定有正面负面之分。 Positive affirmations create positive experiences, and negative affirmations create negative experiences....

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励志美文:第9期 变老

Elder Years 变老 I love experiencing every age. 我爱走过的每一年。 I rejoice in each passing year. 我为度过的每一年感到快乐。 In the early part of this century, the life expectancy was 49 years. 20世纪初,人类平均寿命为49岁。 Today it is about 85. 现在则达到了85岁左右。 Tomorrow it could be 125. 将来可能达到125岁。 It is time for us to change the way we view our later years....

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