
Your smarts will come in handy because you will travel in a land of marvels. 你们的聪明才智必定会派上用场,因为你们将在一片充满奇迹的土地上行进。 We humans – plodding as we are – will astonish ourselves. 我们人类,尽管跬步前行,却终将令自己大吃一惊。 We'll invent ways to generate clean energy and a lot of it. 我们能够想方设法制造很多清洁能源。 Atom by atom, w...

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I went to my boss and told him I wanted to start a company selling books on the Internet. 我告诉我的老板我想开办一家在网上卖书的公司。 He took me on a long walk in Central Park, listened carefully to me, and finally said, 他带我在中央公园漫步良久,认真地听我讲完,最后说: "That sounds like a really good idea, but it would be an even better idea for someone who didn'...

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Will you wilt under criticism, or will you follow your convictions? 你们会屈从于批评,还是会坚守信念? Will you bluff it out when you're wrong, or will you apologize? 你们会掩饰错误,还是会坦诚道歉? Will you guard your heart against rejection, or will you act when you fall in love? 你们会因害怕拒绝而掩饰内心,还是会在面对爱情时勇往直前? Will you play it safe, or will y...

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I have a vivid memory of what happened next, and it was not what I expected. 我清晰地记得接下来发生了什么,而那是我意料之外的。 I expected to be applauded for my cleverness and arithmetic skills. 我本期待着小聪明和算术技巧能赢得掌声。 "Jeff, you're so smart. You had to have made some tricky estimates, figure out the number of minutes in a year and do some division.&...

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