
29th, January 1945. 1945年1月29日。 My dearest one, I have just heard the news that all the Army men taken POW are to return to their homes. 我的挚爱,我刚得知一个消息。战俘们就要返乡了。 Because of the shipping situation we may not commence to go before the end of February, but can probably count on being in England sometime in March, maybe sooner. 鉴于航运现况,在二月底之...

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February 6 1945 1945年2月6日 Darling, darling, darling.This is what I have been waiting for 亲爱的,我日思夜想,终将成真 your freedom left me dumb and choked up,but now, now, I feel released. 你追求自由,让我无所适从,但现在我终于解放了 Oh Christopher, my dear, dear man, it is so,so wonderful. You are coming home. 哦,Christopher,亲爱的,这太好了,你终...

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Where shall we go, of course I’d choose north Devon 我们该去哪儿呢?当然,我会选择北德文 sea, country and air 那里有大海,乡村景色,还有新鲜空气 but March raises the question of weather, might we go to a largish town, I prefer villages normally. 但三月的天阴晴不定,或者我们可以去个大一点的城镇,我更喜欢乡村 but with you I guess I’ll do what you want, also ...

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Just stop thinking 停止思量 worrying 担忧 looking over your shoulder 谨小慎微 wondering 迟钝, doubting 怀疑, fearing 害怕, hurting 伤心, hoping for some easy way out 妄想找到捷径逃脱, struggling 不要挣扎, grasping 固守,攫取, confusing 困惑迷失, itching,scratching 抓耳挠腮, mumbling 不要嘟嘟囔囔, ...

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