
And trust is established, not by some big institution, 信任的建立并不是基于一些大型机构, but by collaboration, by cryptography and by some clever code. 而是基于合作,基于密码技术和一些精巧的代码。 And because trust is native to the technology, I call this, "The Trust Protocol." 因为信任正是起源于这一技术。我把它叫做“信任协议”。 Now, you're probably wondering: ...

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The technology likely to have the greatest impact on the next few decades has arrived. 有可能在未来几十年带来巨大影响的科技,已经到来了。 And it's not social media. It's not big data. 并不是社交媒体,也不是大数据, It's not robotics. It's not even AI. 也不是机器人科学,甚至也不是人工智能。 You'll be surprised to learn that it's the underlying technolo...

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So to understand what a radical change this is going to bring, let's look at one industry, financial services. 所以为了理解即将到来的突破性的改变,让我们看一个行业:金融服务业。 Recognize this? Rube Goldberg machine. 你们能否认出这是什么?小题大做的机器。 It's a ridiculously complicated machine that does something really simple, like crack an egg or shut a door. 这台...

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Secondly: a lot of writers talk about Uber and Airbnb and TaskRabbit and Lyft and so on as part of the sharing economy. 第二点:很多写手谈论起Uber,Airbnb,TaskRabbit,Lyft等企业时,把他们当做了共享经济的一部分。 This is a very powerful idea, that peers can come together and create and share wealth. 这个想法很不错,个人也可以汇聚在一起创造并共享财富。 My view is that …...

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Number three: the biggest flow of funds from the developed world to the developing world 第三点:从发达国家到发展中国家,规模最大的资金流动 is not corporate investment, and it's not even foreign aid. It's remittances. 并不是公司投资,甚至也不是外国援助,而是汇款。 This is the global diaspora; people have left their ancestral lands, 这是散居在全球的人们,离开了祖辈的...

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Number four: the most powerful asset of the digital age is data. 第四点:数字时代最强大的资产就是数据。 And data is really a new asset class, maybe bigger than previous asset classes, 数据是一种新的资产种类,也许比以前的资产种类更庞大, like land under the agrarian economy, or an industrial plant, or even money. 就像农业经济下的土地,或是工厂,甚至是金钱。 And all of you ...

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And then — this is the key part — that block is linked to the previous block 随后是关键的部分,该区块连接到前一个区块, and the previous block to create a chain of blocks. 以及更前面的区块,形成了一连串的区块。 And every one is time-stamped, kind of like with a digital waxed seal. 每一个区块都是时间标记,有点像是数字蜡印。 So if I wanted to go and hack a block an...

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Finally — Finally, number five: there are a whole number of creators of content who don't receive fair compensation, 最后–最后,第五点:有许多内容的创造者并没有得到公平的报酬, because the system for intellectual property is broken. 因为知识产权系统遭到了损害。 It was broken by the first era of the internet. Take music. 在互联网的第一个时代就遭到损害。就拿音...

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So what if there were not only an internet of information, 如果我们有的不仅仅是信息的互联, what if there were an internet of value — 如果还有价值的互联: some kind of vast, global, distributed ledger running on millions of computers and available to everybody. 大量的,全球性的分散式的账本,可以在数千万台电脑上运转,每个人都有权访问。 And where every kind of asset, fro...

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Now, this is — This is not just songwriters, 现在…不仅仅是歌曲作家, it's any creator of content, like art, like inventions, scientific discoveries, journalists. 任何形式的创作活动,比如美术,比如发明,科学发现,新闻记者。 There are all kinds of people who don't get fair compensation, 各行各业的没有得到公平报酬的人, and with blockchains, they're goin...

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So today, we rely entirely on big intermediaries — middlemen like banks, government, 如今,我们完全依赖于大型中介机构,中间商比如银行,政府, big social media companies, credit card companies and so on to establish trust in our economy. 大型社交媒体公司,信用卡公司等等,来构建经济中的信用体系。 And these intermediaries perform all the business and transaction logic of ...

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Prosperity. The first era of the internet, the internet of information, 繁荣。互联网的第一个时代,信息的互联, brought us wealth but not shared prosperity, because social inequality is growing. 带给我们财富,但是没有共享繁荣,因为社会变得日趋不平等。 And this is at the heart of all of the anger and extremism and protectionism and xenophobia and worse 而这是所有的愤怒和极端主...

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We're not at this world yet, but it's coming. 那样的世界还未到来,但很快就能实现。 Right now, it's like we're in a world that is seeing the first automobile. 现在的状况就类似于当初汽车的首次亮相。 The first cryptocurrency, like the first car, is slow and hard to understand and hard to use. 首次出现的加密货币就像那第一辆汽车,速度慢、令人费解,也不好操作。 Dig...

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Now when this works, it's because there are large institutions underwriting every 1 or 0 that changes on a computer. 这是因为有庞大的机构来保障电脑程序里1、0之间变化的可靠性。 And when it doesn't, it's often the fault of those large institutions. 如果不能顺利进行,说明那些庞大机构们出现了故障。 Or at least, it's up to them to fix the problem. And a lot of tim...

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It's the idea of permission-less innovation. 这个想法是一个不需要授予权限的革新。 The Internet caused an explosion of innovation, because it was built upon an open architecture. 互联网促成了改革爆炸,因为它是建立在一个开发的空间架构。 And just like the Internet changed the way we communicate, 正如互联网改变了我们的交流方式, programmable money is going to change the way ...

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Imagine that we had this magic paper. 假设这是张有魔法的纸。 So the way that this paper works is I can give you a sheet of it and if you write something on it, 当我把这张纸给你后,你在纸上写的任何东西 it will magically appear on my piece as well. 都会出现在我的这张纸上, Let's say we just give everyone this paper and everyone writes down the transfers that they're do...

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I want to tell you about the future of money. 我今天的话题是关于货币的未来, Let's start with a story about this culture that lived in Micronesia in the early 1900s, called the Yap. 我们先从一个20世纪早期的故事开始,这个故事发生在密克罗尼西亚联邦里一个叫做雅浦的小岛上。 Now, I want to tell you about the Yap because their form of money is really interesting. 我提到这个雅...

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These institutions are standing in the way of innovation. 这些机构急需变革。 How many of you use Facebook photos, Google Photos, Instagram? 你们有多少人在用脸书相册、谷歌照片、Instagram呢? My photos are everywhere. They are on my phone, they're on my laptop, they're on my old phone, they're in Dropbox. 我的照片到处都是,比如手机、笔记本电脑、旧手机、Dropbox。 Th...

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We're about to enter a new phase of money. 一种新的货币模式正在逐渐形成。 The future of money is programmable. 未来的货币是可以程序化的, When we combine software and currency, money becomes more than just a static unit of value, 当我们把软件和货币结合在一起,货币不仅仅是一种静态的价值单位, and we don't have to rely on institutions for security. 我们也不需要再依赖于...

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The computer that solves the puzzle publishes its solution to the rest of the network and collects its reward: new bitcoins. 解开了谜题的计算机便把结果发布到互联网上,并获得新的比特币作为奖励。 And in the act of solving this puzzle, 在解开谜题的过程中, these computers are actually helping to secure the Bitcoin blockchain and add to the list of transactions. 这些计算机也在逐...

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