
Imagine if I let go of my habit of saving the world behind your back, 想像我放弃在你们背后拯救世界的习惯, of deliberating on the future of your work, your food, your schools, in places where you couldn't get past security. 想像去放弃对在连安保都无法通过地方,你未来的工作,食物,学校的幻想。 We can do this only if we first accept that we have neglected each other. 我们只...

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I have walked through your towns and, while looking, failed to see. 当我经过你们的城镇,观赏时却什么也没看见。 I did notice in Stephenville, Texas, 我在德克萨斯州斯蒂芬威尔市注意到 that the town square was dominated by one lawyer's office after another, 那里的市中心广场是被连排的律师事务所霸占的, because of all the people rotating in and out of the prison. 因为那些不断...

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June 29, 2016. My dear fellow citizen: 2016年6月29日,我亲爱的公民朋友们: I write to you today, to you who have lost in this era. 今天我在这向你们致辞,献给那些迷失在这个时代中的人们。 At this moment in our common life, 在我们平凡生活中的这个时刻, when the world is full of breaking and spite and fear, 在这个充满了分裂,恶意,和恐惧的世界, I address this letter simply to y...

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I heard all of these things, but I didn't listen. 这些事都经过了我的耳朵,可惜我没有去仔细倾听。 I looked but didn't see. I read, didn't understand. 我看了,但是没看见。我读了,可是没理解。 I paid attention only when you began to vote and shout, 只有当你们去投票,去喊叫,只有当事情本身开始 and when your voting and shouting, when the substance of it, began to thre...

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If and when your anger turns to hate, 如果当你的气愤转化为痛恨, please know that there is no space for that in our shared home. 请明白在我们共享的家园里没有容纳那些痛恨的空间。 But I will admit, fellow citizen, that I have discounted the burden of coping with the loss of status. 但我会承认,我的朋友们,我忽视了应对地位丧失的压力。 I have forgotten that what is socially nece...

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I did notice the news about those parts of London becoming ghost quarters, 我注意到了那些关于伦敦市区空洞化的新闻, where the global super-rich turn fishy money into empty apartments 在那儿,世界级富豪把现钱变为空洞公寓, and price lifelong residents of a city, young couples starting out, out of their own home. 为城市定居居民定价,年轻夫妇从这儿离开,离开他们本来的家。 And I...

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We create our "others." As parents, as neighbors, as citizens, 是我们创造了“其他人”的概念。作为家长,邻居,公民, we witness and sometimes ignore each other into being. 我们见证,有时也忽视他人的存在。 You were not born vengeful. 我们并非生来就复仇心切。 I have some role in whatever thirst you now feel for revenge, 我也饰演一些角色,无论你现在是多么渴望复仇, and t...

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Language is one of the only things that we truly share, 语言是我们真正共有的唯几样事物之一, and I sometimes used this joint inheritance to obfuscate and deflect and justify myself; 而我有时候却用这共同的遗产,去混淆,去转移,去为自己辩护; to re-brand what was good for me as something appearing good for us both, 当我抛出例如“共同经济”、“混乱” when I threw around terms like ...

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So here we are, in a scary but not inexplicable moment of demagoguery, fracture, xenophobia, resentment and fear. 我们就是这样,身处一个可怕但并非莫名奇妙的,躁动的,受挫的,排外的,痛恨的,惧怕的时刻。 And I worry for us both if we continue down this road, me not listening, 如果我们继续这条道路:我不听,你感觉没被倾听, you feeling unheard, you shouting to get me to listen....

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I could fail to see change's consequences. 我可能忽视改变带来的后果, I could overlook the importance of roots, traditions, rituals, stability — and belonging. 我可能忽视那些根源,传统,仪式,稳定性–归属感的重要性。 And the more fundamentalist I became in my worship of change and openness, 当我越发变得崇拜改变和开放, the more I drove you towards the other po...

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Do you know that feeling you get when you know it's going to storm before it storms? 你们了解那种感觉吗?那种在暴风雨来临前的感觉? Do you also feel that now, fellow citizen? 你们现在有这种感觉吗,我的公民朋友们? That malaise and worry that some who know feel reminds them of the 1930s? 那种心神不安又焦虑的感觉,会让你们当中的一些人想起上世纪30年代? Perhaps you don'...

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天真与经验之歌:第24篇 小女孩的迷失

The Little Girl Lost 小女孩的迷失 In futurity 在未来的时日 I prophesy 我预先看到,宛如先知, That the earth from sleep 大地从睡眠中苏醒, (Grave the sentence deep) (把这句话牢牢记在心) Shall arise, and seek 将起身去寻觅 For her Maker meek; 她和善的上帝: And the desert wild 那一片荒凉的沙漠 Become a garden mild. 将变成温暖的花园一座。 In the southern clime, 在南方的地区 Wh...

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天真与经验之歌:第41篇 一个小男孩的迷失

A Little Boy Lost 一个小男孩的迷失 'Nought loves another as itself, 没有人爱别人像爱他自己, Nor venerates another so, 也不会尊敬别人像对自己那样, Nor is it possible to thought 一个思想不可能去理解 A greater than itself to know. 另一个比它本身更伟大的思想; 'And, father, how can I love you 天父啊,我怎么能对你, Or any of my brothers more? 或对任何我的兄弟爱得更深?...

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美文阅读 (169)我在黑夜迷失踌躇

Sleep is a map of glass 梦乡如玻璃地图 No matter where it leads 无论它通往何处 You are lost 你都会迷失踯躅 The night may speak to you with its wings 夜振翅向你招呼 Its songs made of silk 其歌若悠扬丝竹 Yet you know only in your dreams of walking where the streets are water 尔心追梦义无反顾,漫水街巷形单踱步 Copper gutters dripping 铜褐屋檐滴水如注 Their blue light through th...

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天真与经验之歌:第42篇 一小女孩的迷失

A Little Girl Lost 一小女孩的迷失 Children of the future age, 未来时代的孩子们, Reading this indignant page, 读到这令人愤慨的一页; Know that in a former time 知道了在从前有个时候 Love, sweet love, was thought a crime. 爱情!甜蜜的爱情!被当作是罪孽! In the age of gold, 在黄金年代的时期, Free from winter's cold, 没有冬日的寒冷天气: Youth and maiden bright, 活泼的少男...

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女孩一个人在街上玩,不知不觉迷失了方向,怎么也回不了家,便大声哭起来。 警察走过来说:“好孩子,你哭什么,回家去吧!” 小女孩哭着说:“我迷路了,找不到家在那儿,回不去!” 警察走过来说:“那你家在什么地方啊?” 小女孩:“在楼上。” 警察说:“你爸爸叫什么?” 小女孩:“亲爱的!” 警察说:“你妈妈叫什么?” ...

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