
And so, as we evaluated, and as the dust settled from this tragedy, 经历这个悲剧后 we realized that, of those two problems — 我们重新思考了这两个问题 in the initial iteration of our organization, 最初我们这个组织 we were a disaster response organization that was using veteran service. 是个聘用退役军人的灾难管理组织 We had a lot of success, 当时我们已经相当成功 and we r...

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Two years ago, after having served four years in the United States Marine Corps 两年前,我在美国海军陆战队服役了四年 and deployments to both Iraq and Afghanistan, 也曾调配到伊朗和阿富汗 I found myself in Port-au-Prince, leading a team of veterans and medical professionals 我被安排到太子港领导一支由退役军人和医疗专业人员组成的队伍。 in some of the hardest-hit areas of that ci...

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