
编者按: 有句古话说:“如果你没犯错误,就说明你没有尽力。” 所以,勇往直前,去犯错误吧。然后学习、成长,最后成功。 Good Mistakes 有益的错误  It's good to make mistake, and here is why. First of all, mistakes are a clear sign that you are trying new things. It's always good to try new things because when you are trying new things you are growing. If you never try anyth...

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Admitting guilt 承认错误 Giving advice is a lot easier than receiving it. 给予建议比接受建议更容易。 Telling someone that he was wrong is a lot easier than admitting that you made a mistake. 当然告诉别人他是错的比承认自己犯错误更容易。 Writing a timeout everyday is not easy but trying to live up to all of my timeout goals and ideas, gosh! 每天停下来想一想不是件容易的事,但试...

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TED演讲之败中求胜 试验 排除错误和万能神力(9)

Now I've been sort of banging on about this for the last couple of months, 在过去的几个月里,我反复在讨论这个问题, and people sometimes say to me, "Well Tim, it's kind of obvious. Obviously trial and error is very important. 有时有人跟我说:“提姆,这不是很显然么,很显然试验和排除错误很重要, Obviously experimentation is very important. Now why are you just wand...

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TED演讲之败中求胜 试验 排除错误和万能神力(5)

Five thousand products — that's still nothing. 5000个产品,这还没什么。 Five thousand products — imagine counting every product category in Cesar Hidalgo's data. 5000个产品,想象我们来数塞萨尔·伊达尔戈数据中的每个产品的目录。 Imagine you had one second per product category. 想象你每一秒钟,听到一个产品种类的名字 In about the length of this session, you wo...

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TED演讲之败中求胜 怎样从错误中学习(3)

From Kansas, I moved on to lovely Arizona, 离开堪萨斯后,我搬到美丽的亚利桑纳州, where I taught in Flagstaff for a number of years, this time with middle school students. 我在Flagstaff小镇教了几年书,这次是教初中的学生。 Luckily, I didn't have to teach them American government. 幸运的是,我这次不用教美国政治。 Could teach them the more exciting topic of geography. 这次...

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TED演讲之败中求胜 医生们会犯错误(7)

And it wasn't because of my attending; he was a doll. 而这也不是因为我的主治;他人非常好。 He talked to the family, and I'm quite sure that he smoothed things over and made sure that I didn't get sued. 他和那家人好好的谈过。我确定他为了确保我没有被控告而替我打了圆场。 And I kept asking myself these questions. Why didn't I ask my attending? 但我仍然不断问我自...

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TED演讲之败中求胜 怎样从错误中学习(2)

In the time that passes between when I was a kid in high school and when I started teaching, 在过去的这几年间,从我还在念高中到我开始教书的时候, we really see the advent of the Internet. 我们真的亲眼目睹网络的发展。 Right about the time that the Internet gets going as an educational tool, 就在网络开始作为教学用的工具发展的时候, I take off from Wisconsin and move to Kansas,...

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TED演讲之败中求胜 怎样从错误中学习(4)

Fast-forward to Pennsylvania, where I find myself today. 快进到宾州,我现在住的地方。 I teach at the Science Leadership Academy, 我在科学领导学院教书, which is a partnership school between the Franklin Institute and the school district of Philadelphia. 它是富兰克林学院和费城学区协同的合办的。 We are a nine through 12 public school, but we do school quite differently. 我们是...

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TED演讲之败中求胜 医生们会犯错误(10)

It's a system in which there are two kinds of physicians — those who make mistakes and those who don't, 在这个制度当中,只有两种人 — 犯错的不犯错的, those who can't handle sleep deprivation and those who can, those who have lousy outcomes and those who have great outcomes. 可以调适睡眠不足的和不可以忍受的,以及那些有着糟糕的结果和有着优秀的结果的。 A...

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TED演讲之败中求胜 试验 排除错误和万能神力(12)

And you sometimes need to be shocked out of that. 而有的时候我们需要把这种感觉抖掉。 Now I'm not going to pretend that this is easy. It isn't easy. It's incredibly painful. 现在我不想假装这是件容易的事情。这并不容易。这会是个痛苦的过程。 And since I started talking about this subject and researching this subject, 自从我开始谈论这个话题,研究这个话题, I've be...

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TED演讲之败中求胜 试验 排除错误和万能神力(2)

So Archie splits the men under his care as best he can into two equal groups. 所以阿奇就把他的病人平分成两组人。他给其中的一半维他命C。他给另一半维他命B12。 He gives half of them vitamin C. He gives half of them vitamin B12. 他给其中的一半维他命C。他给另一半维他命B12。 He very carefully and meticulously notes his results in an exercise book. 他非常小心谨慎把他的结果记录在一...

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TED演讲之败中求胜 医生们会犯错误(8)

And two days later I came to do my next emergency shift, and that's when my chief asked to speak to me quietly in her office. 两天后,又轮到我在急诊室值班。那时我的主任要我去她的办公室里私下谈谈。 And she said the three words: Do you remember? 她说了那三个字: 记得吗? "Do you remember that patient you saw with the sore throat?" “记得吗?那位你看过的喉咙酸痛的...

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TED演讲之败中求胜 医生们会犯错误(3)

And that was the message that I absorbed when I was in med school. 这就是我在医学院时得到的信息。 I was an obsessive compulsive student. 我是一个有着强迫症倾向的学生。 In high school, a classmate once said that Brian Goldman would study for a blood test. 在中学时,有个同学曾经说布莱恩·高德曼会为了血液测验复习。 And so I did. And I studied in my little garret at the nurses...

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TED演讲之败中求胜 怎样从错误中学习(1)

I have been teaching for a long time, and in doing so have acquired a body of knowledge about kids 我从事教师工作很长一段时间了,而在我教书的过程当中我学了很多关于孩子与学习的知识, and learning that I really wish more people would understand about the potential of students. 我非常希望更多人可以了解学生的潜能。 In 1931, my grandmother — bottom left for you guys over he...

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TED演讲之败中求胜 医生们会犯错误(2)

Now let's take this back into my world of medicine where I'm a lot more comfortable, 现在让我们回到我的世界,医疗领域。这个领域我比较熟悉, or perhaps a bit less comfortable after what I'm going to talk to you about. 但我接下来要说的却让我有些困扰。 Suppose you have appendicitis and you're referred to a surgeon who's batting 400 on appendectomies. 假设你...

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TED演讲之败中求胜 医生们会犯错误(9)

But each time, they were gnawing at me, eating at me. 但每当我想到这两起病例,那种感觉都会折磨啃噬我。 And I'd like to be able to say to you that my worst mistakes only happened in the first five years of practice as many of my colleagues say, which is total B.S. 而我也希望我可以告诉你,我造成的最严重的错误只发生在了我开始行医的前五年,像我众多的同事所称一般。但这完全是...

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TED演讲之败中求胜 试验 排除错误和万能神力(6)

So this is the complexity of the world that surrounds us. 所以这就是我们所处环境的复杂性。 This perhaps is why we find the God complex so tempting. 这也许正是为什么我们发现“万能神力”这么有吸引力的原因。 We tend to retreat and say, "We can draw a picture, we can post some graphs, we get it, we understand how this works." 我们喜欢退一步说:“我们可以来画一张图,我们可...

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TED演讲之败中求胜 试验 排除错误和万能神力(11)

It is dangerous for patients to recover from heart attacks at home. 让心脏病人在家康复是危险的。 They should be in hospital." And there's this uproar, 他们应该留在医院里。”这引起了一片哗然, and all the doctors start pounding the table and saying, "We always said you were unethical, Archie. 医生们开始拍桌子,说道:“我们一直说阿奇,你这样做是不道德的。 You'r...

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TED演讲之败中求胜 试验 排除错误和万能神力(10)

Until then, until then I'm going to keep banging on about trial and error and why we should abandon the God complex. 到那时候,到那时候,我会继续讨论测试和排除错误这个话题,以及为什么我们需要抛弃“万能神力”的态度。 Because it's so hard to admit our own fallibility. It's so uncomfortable. 因为我们很难承认我们自己是很容易犯错的。这令人感到很不舒服。 And Archie Cochr...

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TED演讲之败中求胜 医生们会犯错误(1)

I think we have to do something about a piece of the culture of medicine that has to change. 我觉得在当今的医学文化中,有一部份文化必须要开始改变。 And I think it starts with one physician, and that's me. 而这个改变可以从一个医生开始,那就是我。 And maybe I've been around long enough that I can afford to give away some of my false prestige to be able to do that. 或许...

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