
Good afternoon, everybody. As you know, this weekend, I traveled to Afghanistan to thank our men and women in uniform and our deployed civilians, on behalf of a grateful nation, for the extraordinary sacrifices they make on behalf of our security. I was also able to meet with our commanding General and Ambassador to review the progress that we’ve made. And today, I’d like to...

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No one can survive alone. And if people feel used, worthless and ashamed, 任何人都无法脱离他人生存。如果人们感觉自己被利用了,没有价值,感到很羞愧, because something horrible has happened to them, then they retreat, and they fall into social isolation, 那是因为很多可怕的事情发生在他们身上,之后他们就会退缩,变得孤立于社会之外, and they do not dare to tell this evil to othe...

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Yet, there is hope. One day a man told me, 然而,他们仍然是有一丝希望的。一天,一个阿富汗人告诉我, "My future does not look brilliant, but I want to have a brilliant future for my son." “我的前途并不光明,但是我希望我的儿子能有灿烂的前程。” This is a picture I took in 2005, walking on Fridays over the hills in Kabul, 这是我在2005年拍的一张照片,那天是周五,我在喀...

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So I want to tell you a story — an encouraging story 我想给大家讲个故事,很鼓舞人心, about addressing desperation, depression and despair in Afghanistan, 是有关解决阿富汗的绝望和抑郁的故事, and what we have learned from it, and how to help people to overcome traumatic experiences 我们从中可学到什么,如何帮助人们克服创伤经历留下阴影的办法, and how to help them to reg...

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So everybody needs a sense for the future, and the Afghan sense of the future is shattered. 所以每一个人都要心系未来。阿富汗人未来的观念是非常弱的。 But let me repeat the words of the woman. 但是让我重复一遍那位女士的话。 "Because you have felt me, I can feel myself again." “因为你说出了我的感受,我重新找回了自己。” So the key here is empathy. Somebody has to be a ...

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So we also have implemented it already in some selected clinics in three provinces, and you are the first to see the results. 因此我们已经在三个省中挑选出来的诊所中试用了这种方法,这是试验的结果,第一次对外公布。 We wanted to know if what is being done is effective. 我们希望了解到所做的是否有效。 And here you can see the patients all had symptoms of depression, moderate and ...

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So, I was able to launch a three-year project with Caritas Germany, 所以我得以与慈善德国携手启动了为期三年的项目, and we trained 30 Afghan women and men, and we opened 15 counseling centers in Kabul. 我们训练了30个阿富汗人,在喀布尔开设了15个咨询中心。 This was our sign — it's hand-painted, and we had 45 all over Kabul. 这是我们的宣传标牌,是手绘的。我们在喀布尔有...

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And I would like to share one short vignette. 我想与大家分享一个小故事。 One Hazara said to his Pashtun counselor, 一个哈拉扎人对他的普什图咨询师说, "If we were to have met some years ago, then we would have killed each other. “如果我们很多年前相遇,我们会杀死彼此。 And now you are helping me to regain some confidence in the future." 现在你却来帮助我让我对未来树立...

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奥巴马演讲 阿富汗和巴基斯坦局势年终回顾2

I would add that much of this progress —- the speed with which our troops deployed this year, the increase in recruits — in recruiting and training of Afghan forces, and the additional troops and trainers from other nations —- much of this is the result of us having sent a clear signal that we will begin the transition of responsibility to Afghans and start...

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奥巴马演讲 在阿富汗基地的讲话4

Now, Sal is a pretty humble guy. And so when he came to the White House he said, “You know, I didn’t do anything special.” He said he was just doing his job, that he didn’t do anything that his brothers wouldn’t have done for him. “If I’m a hero,” he said, “then every man who stands around me, every woman in the military,...

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奥巴马演讲 阿富汗的新篇章

This week, I traveled to Afghanistan–to thank our troops serving far from home, and to sign an historic agreement that will help us complete our mission and end the war. As Commander-in-Chief, nothing is more humbling(令人羞辱的) or inspiring than the chance to spend some time with our troops. At Bagram Air Base, I visited with some of our outstanding men and women i...

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奥巴马演讲 在阿富汗基地的讲话3

This part of the world is the center of a global effort where we are going to disrupt and dismantle and defeat al Qaeda and its extremist allies. And that’s why you’re here. That’s why your mission matters so much. That’s why you must succeed — because this effort is about the safety of our communities back home and the dignity of the Afghan peo...

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