美文故事之找谁倚靠 (42)面朝太阳(上)

Turn your face to the sun 面朝太阳 Beloved, 亲爱的: There are days when nothing seems right, when every shell you pick up on the winding shore is broken,when the silken treasure slips through your fingers too quickly, and when comforts are empty and the world is noisy. 总有这样的日子:一切似乎都不正常,你在弯弯曲曲的海滩上捡到的贝壳都是残缺不全的,珍贵的宝物从你指缝中一忽儿就...

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美文故事之找谁倚靠 (43)面朝太阳(下)

Count unexpected laughter, 数数未曾期待的笑声, Count undeserved grace, 数数不期而至的礼遇, Count Passion and Love and Dreams yet to be born, 数数你拥有的激情和爱,还有将要萌生的梦想。 And bow your head and say thank you, 然后,低下头,说声谢谢吧。 Now count the lives who still need your light, 现在,数数需要你给予光明的生命, The hungry, the sick, the helpless, 那些饥饿,...

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