
And since we had that meeting three and a half years ago, 自从我们三年半前开展这儿会议以来 it's been a heck of a roller coaster. 真是过山车式的跳跃 We started with a seed swap, really simple stuff, 我们以种子交易开始,很简单的东西 and then we took an area of land, a strip on the side 然后我们采用了一片土地,在主干道的 of our main road, which was a dog toilet, basically, ...

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The will to live life differently can start 想把生命活得与众不同的愿望 in some of the most unusual places. 能够在一些不平凡的地方实现 This is where I come from, Todmorden. 这是我的家乡,托德莫登 It's a market town in the north of England, 是英格兰北部的一个城镇 15,000 people, between Leeds and Manchester, 一万五千人口,在利兹和曼彻斯特之间 fairly normal market town. 相当...

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励志美文:第12期 食物

Food 食物 Food is a good friend. I thank it for giving its life to nourish me. 食物是我的好朋友,我感谢食物以其精华给我营养。 I love eating good food. 我喜欢美味佳肴。 Eating good, nutritious food is deeply pleasurable whether I am at home, in a restaurant, camping, hiking, or taking my lunch break at the office. 无论我在家里,在餐馆,在野营,在徒步旅行,或是在办公室吃午餐,...

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And I began to start thinking of myself as we start having mash-ups of fact and fiction, docu-dramas, mockumentaries, whatever you call it. 这时我开始想我们逐渐开始将现实和虚构混合在一起,发展出了纪录剧情片,伪纪录片,名字并不重要。 Are we going to reach the stage where information has a percentage for fact associated with it? 在未来的某个阶段我们会不会给信息标上一个事实比例...

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I started doing some research then, and this was the 25-year journey, and started finding out that actually 我从那时起开始从事相关的研究,到现在已经二十五年了我最早的发现就是 human beings as primates have far smaller stomachs than should be the size for our body weight and far larger brains. 若以体重为标准,身为灵长类动物的人类胃很小,大脑却很大。 And as I went to research t...

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And two of the things about Bengal: they like their savory dishes and they like their sweets. 孟加拉人有两大爱好:他们喜欢美食和甜点。 So by the time I grew up, again, I had a well-established passion for food. Now I was growing up in the late '60s and early '70s, and 所以我长大之后,对美食的爱好根深蒂固。我成长在六十年代末七十年代初, there were a number of other pa...

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I love my food. And I love information. 我热爱食品,我也热爱信息。 My children usually tell me that one of those passions is a little more apparent than the other. 我的孩子们常常对我说我看起来显然更像个吃货。 But what I want to do in the next eight minutes or so is to take you through how those passions developed, 不过在接下来的八分钟里我会向大家介绍这两个爱好是如何发展的, ...

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Does that really explain what we're seeing with the intellectual property battles nowadays? 这是否能解释今天的知识产权斗争呢? Because those people who were hunter-gatherers in origin wanted to be free and roam and pick up information as they wanted, 因为信息捕猎者和采集者希望能自由自在的获取他们想要的信息, and those that were in the business of farming information want...

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