
President’s Radio Address  THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This weekend, families across America are coming together to celebrate Easter. This is the most important holiday in the Christian faith. And during this special and holy time each year, millions of Americans pause to remember a sacrifice that transcended the grave and redeemed the world.Easter is a holiday that ...

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新概念英语初中早读 (13)城市的黎明

The City at Dawn 城市的黎明 It is alway a wonder-ful time to gaze at the beauty of nature in the morning. 清晨,凝视着大自然的美景,总是美妙的。 It makes our minds become so peaceful and calm 这样会让我们的心变得宁静安然, that all our worries and sorrows leave us at once. 忧虑和愁苦就会立刻远离我们。 But as residents of the city, 但是作为城市的居民...

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很荣幸能与心理辅导杂志社的同仁们一起到武汉的数所大学与同学们一起谈心交流。 当同学们谈到他们的孤独和不被了解的感受时,我的心很难受; 当同学们分享到他们起伏不定的情绪又不知如何是好时,我的心在落泪; 当同学们说到他们面对复杂的人际关系而突破不了时,我的 心纠结在一起; 当同学们道及爱情的迷惘及对亲情的放不下时,我的心也产生了压迫感; 当同学们触及对学业,对未来的就业及前途不知所措...

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如何向爱人吐露心迹 “金风玉露一相逢,便胜却人间无数。”是说有情人哪怕短暂的相聚,便会陶醉在 一刻千金的巨大幸福之中。爱恋中的人都会有灵犀一点通的体会。但是,有情人要成眷 属,因情成缘,有“一点”是绝不可少的。这“一点”便是言语。很难想象不通过言语 便能交流心中的爱,便能达到体味柔情蜜意的峰巅。 实际上,爱恋,只有通过言语作为媒介,才能将两颗燃烧的心...

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