美文阅读 (169)我在黑夜迷失踌躇

Sleep is a map of glass 梦乡如玻璃地图 No matter where it leads 无论它通往何处 You are lost 你都会迷失踯躅 The night may speak to you with its wings 夜振翅向你招呼 Its songs made of silk 其歌若悠扬丝竹 Yet you know only in your dreams of walking where the streets are water 尔心追梦义无反顾,漫水街巷形单踱步 Copper gutters dripping 铜褐屋檐滴水如注 Their blue light through th...

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美文阅读 (457)与黑夜为伍

Acquainted with the Night — Robert Frost 与黑夜为伍–罗伯特·弗罗斯特 I have been one acquainted with the night. 我曾与夜为伍。 I have walked out in rain and back in rain. 在雨中踱步。 I have outwalked the furthest city light. 到过路灯不及之处。 I have looked down the saddest city lane. 我见过凄清的马路。 I have passed by the watchman...

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假如父母留心观察就会发现,学龄前儿童中有很多孩子会害怕黑暗,害怕孤独,害怕所有未知的、想像中的事物。这就是儿童的恐惧心理。 恐惧是我们面临真实的或想像中的危险时所体会到的情感。 据观察,5个月大的婴儿就有了对物质环境的恐惧,随后又害怕突然的响声和快速的运动,7~8个月的婴儿出现了对陌生人、陌生婴儿的恐惧,害怕母亲离开。 随着成长,学龄前儿童已经能够对已知事物形成意象,在此基础上,他...

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