
We had to get lucky in a lot of different ways. And sometimes, it's better to be lucky than good. 在很多方面我们都需要幸运的眷顾。有时,运气比正确操作更重要。 In this case, we were both, I like to think. But light had to come from the black hole. 我认为这一次,我们不但操作正确,运气也很好。但我们需要接收来自黑洞的光线。 It had to come through intergalactic space, through...

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You'll see here that some light from behind it gets lensed, and some light does a loop-the-loop around the entire orbit of the black hole. 你现在看到的是在黑洞后面的一些光透过它,有些光的确会一直绕着黑洞转。 But when you get enough light from all this hot gas swirling around the black hole, 但如果光足够多,它们来自黑洞周围的高温气体中, then you wind up seeing all of the...

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This is a very powerful black hole. Not by universal standards, it's still powerful, 这是一个强有力的黑洞。虽然不是公认的,但它依然非常强大, and from the north and south poles of this black hole we think that jets are coming. 在这个黑洞的北极和南极,我们认为射线正从这两段过来。 Now, we're too close to really see all the jet structure, but it's the base of those ...

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You can't beat the bandwidth of a 747 filled with hard discs. 没有哪个网络比一架满载硬盘的波音747飞机更快的了。 And so, I guess a few weeks or a few months ago, on a computer screen somewhere, this started to come into view. This moment. 那么我猜,在几周或几个月前,在某地一台电脑的显示器上,黑洞的形象在那一刻渐渐成形。 Well, it took a long time. I mean, look at this. Tha...

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It's the red circle, that's terrifying. No, really. Black holes really are the central mystery of our age, 这个红色的圈太吓人了。你在开玩笑。黑洞可谓是我们这个时代的中心之谜, because that's where the quantum world and the gravitational world come together. What's inside is a singularity. 因为它是量子世界与引力世界的交合点。黑洞的中心是一个奇点。 And that'...

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Shep, thank you so much for coming. I think your plane landed literally two hours ago in Vancouver. 克里斯·谢普,感谢你的到来。我听说你乘坐的航班两个小时前刚到达温哥华。 Such a treat to have you. So, talk us through how do you get from Einstein's equation to a black hole? 非常高兴今天你能来这里。那么,给我们讲讲你是如何从爱因斯坦方程式中提取黑洞信息的? Over 100 years ag...

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A few years ago, you embarked on this mission to try and actually image one of these things. 几年前,你接受这项任务来尝试并且、构想出这些东西的样子。 And I guess you took — you focused on this galaxy way out there. Tell us about this galaxy. 我猜——你一直在研究宇宙中的这个星系。给我们介绍一下这个星系吧。 This is the galaxy — we're going to zoom into the galaxy...

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