
At the same time, the terrorist threat has evolved, as we've seen so tragically from Boston to Chattanooga, from San Bernardino to Orlando. 同时,恐怖威胁的方式也在变化,我们见证了从波士顿到查塔努加,从圣贝纳迪诺到奥兰多这些悲剧。 So in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and beyond, we'll stay relentless against terrorists like al Qaeda and ISIL. 所以在阿富汗、伊拉克、叙利亚及...

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In the face of terrorism, how we respond matters. 面对恐怖主义,我们有办法应对。 We cannot give in to those who would divide us. 我们不能屈服于图谋分裂我们的人。 We cannot react in ways that erode the fabric of our society. 我们不能以腐蚀我们社会组织的方式行动。 Because it's our diversity, our welcoming of all talent, our treating of everybody fairly— no matter their rac...

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Good morning. Scripture tells us, "Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you…write them on the tablet of your heart." Secretary Carter, Chairman Dunford, outstanding members of our Armed Forces, and most of all, survivors of that September day and the families of those we lost – it is a great honor, once again, to be with you on this day, a day that I kno...

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Fifteen years ago, a September day that began like any other became one of the darkest in our nation's history. 十五年前九月的一天,如同平常的日子却成为我们国家历史上最黑暗的一天。 The Twin Towers were reduced to rubble. 双子塔变成了瓦砾堆, The Pentagon was in flames. 五角大楼燃起了大火。 A Pennsylvania field burned with the wreckage of an airplane. 一架飞机的残骸在宾夕...

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