
You would have thought, “Wow! I can now call my Aunt Glenda from the car and wish her a happy birthday. 你一定会想:“哇喔!我现在可以在车里打电话给我姨妈Glenda,祝她生日快乐了。 I can call anyone, anytime. This is the future!” 我现在能给任何人在任何时间打电话了。这就是未来!” Little did you know, you would tap on that phone to make dinner reservation...

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Imagine that you’re a pig farmer. You live on a small farm in the Philippines. 想象你是一个养猪户。你住在一个菲律宾的小农场。 Your animals are your family’s sole source of income — as long as they’re healthy. 你的牲口是家庭唯一的收入来源–只要它们是健康的。 You know that any day, one of your pigs can catch the flu, the swine flu. ...

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But personal DNA machines can also save human lives. 但个人DNA检测器还可以挽救人类的生命。 Professor Ian Goodfellow is a virologist at the University of Cambridge. Ian Goodfellow教授是剑桥大学的病毒学家。 Last year he traveled to Sierra Leone. 去年他去了塞拉利昂。 When the Ebola outbreak broke out in Western Africa, 当埃博拉疫情在非洲西部爆发, he qu...

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But we’ve definitely reached a point in history where every one of you could actually get hands-on with DNA in your kitchen. 但是我们绝对达到了历史上的一个节点,每个人都能在厨房亲自进行DNA检测试验。 You could copy, paste and analyze DNA and extract meaningful information from it. 你能复制、粘贴和分析DNA,从中提取有用的信息。 And it’s at times like th...

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DNA is the fundamental molecule the carries genetic instructions that help build the living world. DNA是携带遗传指令最基本的分子,帮助建造了生机勃勃的世界。 Humans have DNA. Pigs have DNA. Even bacteria and some viruses have DNA too. 人类有DNA。猪有DNA。甚至细菌和一些病毒都有DNA。 The genetic instructions encoded in DNA inform how our bodies develop, grow, funct...

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A 16-year-old girl, a high school student from New York, Anna-Sophia Boguraev, 一个16岁的女孩,一个来自纽约的高中生,Anna-Sophia Boguraev, wondered whether changes to the DNA of astronauts could be related to this immune suppression, 想知道宇航员的DNA变化是否可能与免疫抑制相关, and through a science competition called “Genes In Space,” 通过一个...

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This ability to make copies of DNA, as simple as it sounds, has transformed our world. DNA的这种复制能力听起来很简单,却改变了我们的世界。 Scientists use it every day to detect and address disease, to create innovative medicines, 科学家们每天都用它来检测和对付疾病,创造新药品, to modify foods, to assess whether our food is safe to eat or whether it’s cont...

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I know families who are already living in this reality. 我知道这在有些家庭中已经实现了。 The Daniels family, for example, set up a DNA lab in the basement of their suburban Chicago home. 例如丹尼尔斯一家,在芝加哥郊区的家庭地下室建立了一个DNA实验室。 This is not a family made of PhD scientists. This is a family like any other. 这不是一个由博士科学家组成的家庭...

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