新东方英语美文背诵 第26篇:On Motes and Beams

On Motes and Beams It is curious that our own offenses should seem so much less heinous than the offenses of others. I suppose the reason is that we know all the circumstances that have occasioned them and so manage to excuse in ourselves what we cannot excuse in others. We turn our attention away from our own defects, and when we are forced by untoward events to consider th...

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President Bush Commemorates Military Spouse Day  THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, Phil. I appreciate — appreciate you and your band members being here today. Thanks for entertaining us here on the South Lawn of the White House. (Applause.) We are so glad you have come. We’re honoring six recipients of the President’s Volunteer Service Awards. And as we ...

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President Bush Discusses North Korea THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. The policy of the United States is a Korean Peninsula free of all nuclear weapons. This morning, we moved a step closer to that goal, when North Korean officials submitted a declaration of their nuclear programs to the Chinese government as part of the six-party talks. The United States has no illusions about ...

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President’s Radio Address This week, the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives held a conference to highlight the work being done by our Nation’s armies of compassion, with help from the Federal government. This conference demonstrated the remarkable difference these groups have made over the past eight years. When I first came to office, I ...

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