
Here we go. OK. 好的,我们来亲眼看看吧 I'm back in my truck, and we drove over the Brooklyn Bridge. 回到我刚才提到的卡车,我们把它开到布鲁克林大桥 We're coming down, and we bring that truck that you just saw somewhere in here, in the Financial District. 我们一路开往市中心,我们把车开到你刚看到的金融区的某个地方 This is a 10-kiloton bomb, slightly smaller than was use...

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Think about that one. Have you ever entered an argument thinking, 在参加辩论的时候,你有没有想过 "Let's see if we can hash something out rather than fight it out. 让我们看看能不能共同敲定一些事情,而非由一方说服另一方。 What can we work out together?" 有什么是我们可以共同协作的? And I think the argument-as-war metaphor inhibits those other kinds of resolutions...

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Chris. Thanks, Chris. 克里斯。谢谢,克里斯 From flutes to golf courses to same-sex marriage, that was a genius link. 从分配笛子到高尔夫球场,再到同性婚姻,真是天才式的串连 Now look, you're a pioneer of open education. 您是开放式教育的先锋之一, Your lecture series was one of the first to do it big. 您的系列讲座是这一领域最早的几个大项目 What's your vision for the nex...

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Justice Scalia's opinion is questionable for two reasons. 他的论点有待商榷,原因有二 First, no real sports fan would talk that way. 首先,没有哪个真正爱好运动的人会说出那样的话 If we had thought that the rules of the sports we care about are merely arbitrary, 如果我们所喜爱的运动的规则只是些随意独断的条例 rather than designed to call forth the virtues and the excellences...

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And what happens is — this is — I'm going to show you now some fallout plumes. 接下来将要发生的-这是-我现在要向大家演示放射性坠尘。 Within 20 minutes, it comes straight down. 在20分钟内,坠尘直线下落; Within 24 hours, lethal radiation is going out with prevailing winds, 24小时内,致命的辐射将随着盛行风飘散 and it's mostly in this particular direction &...

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If the axis-tilt theory had been refuted, 倘若“地轴倾斜”理论被观察否定了 its defenders would have had nowhere to go. 它的支持者们就无路可退了 No easily implemented change could make that tilt 没有什么信手拈来的变动能让地轴的倾斜 cause the same seasons in both hemispheres. 在两个半球产生相同的季节 The search for hard-to-vary explanations is the origin of all progress. 对难以...

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And what happened was — when we get in to chapter two of the nuclear threat era, which started back in 1945. 而现实是当我们进入1945年开始的核威胁时期的第二阶段 Chapter two starts in 1991. 第二个阶段是从1991年开始的 When the Soviet Union broke up, 当苏联解体之后 we effectively lost that adversary as a potential attacker of the United States, for the most part. 美国实际...

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Our connection to reality is never just perception. 而我们与现实的联系从不会只是感知 It's always, as Karl Popper put it, theory-laden. 而是如卡尔·波普尔所说,充满着理论假设 Scientific knowledge isn't derived from anything. 科学知识不是从什么直接推导而来 It's like all knowledge. 而是像所有其他知识一样, It's conjectural, guesswork, tested by observation, not d...

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Now this situation, already I — you know, I don't really like thinking about this, 对于这个情况,你们知道,我并不愿意去想这个问题 although somehow I got myself a job where I have to think about it. 虽然我阴差阳错地得到了一份工作使我不得不去想 So the point is that we're very, very insecure in terms of developing this material. 重点是,我们发展这些裂变物质是非常...

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And one of the greatest governmental delusions of all time 政府有史以来最大的幻想之一 was something that happened in the early days of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, as we now know, 是由早期的联邦紧急情况管理署(FEMA)提出的 and are well aware of their behaviors from Katrina. 我们在卡特里娜飓风的时候已经领教过FEMA的本事了 Here is their first big public announ...

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And the farther you are away in distance, 你距离爆炸点的距离越远越好 the longer it is in time from the initial blast; 距离爆炸的时间越长越好 and the more separation between you and the outside atmosphere, the better. 尽可能地将自己和外界隔绝开来 So separation — hopefully with dirt or concrete, or being in a basement — 所以,与外界隔绝隔绝–最好是用泥土和水泥...

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That was me in front of our house in Monson, Massachusetts last June. 那个就是我,在麻省的Monson,我们的房子前面, After an EF3 tornado ripped straight through our town and took parts of our roof off, 一股EF3级龙卷风袭击了这里,掀翻了我们的屋顶 I decided to stay in Massachusetts instead of pursuing the master's program 我决定留在麻省,而不是去读硕士 I had moved my boxes ...

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So I'm going to speak about a problem that I have and that's that I'm a philosopher. 让我从我的一个问题开始,那就是,我是一个哲学家。 When I go to a party and people ask me what do I do 当我参加派对时,人们问我,我是干什么的。 and I say, "I'm a professor," their eyes glaze over. 我说,“我是个教授”,他们一下就失去了兴趣。 When I go to an academic coc...

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And so, as we evaluated, and as the dust settled from this tragedy, 经历这个悲剧后 we realized that, of those two problems — 我们重新思考了这两个问题 in the initial iteration of our organization, 最初我们这个组织 we were a disaster response organization that was using veteran service. 是个聘用退役军人的灾难管理组织 We had a lot of success, 当时我们已经相当成功 and we r...

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So, I'm going to start off with kind of the buzzkill a little bit. 好吧,我的开场可能有点让人扫兴 Forty-two million people were displaced by natural disasters in 2010. 四千两百万人在2010年因灾成为无家可归的人。 Now, there was nothing particularly special about 2010, 不过,2010年可没有什么太大不了的 because, on average, 31 and a half million people are displaced by natura...

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Now we have instant neighborhoods outside. 现在大家都成了新的邻居。 So the Exo is designed to be simply, basically like a coffee cup. 这个房屋系统被设计的很简洁,基本上很像一个咖啡杯。 They can actually stack together 它们可以摞在一起 so we get extremely efficient transportation and storage out of them. 所以我们可以非常高效的运输和储存它们。 In fact, 15 Exos can fit on a sin...

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He says, "I'm a great golfer. I want to compete. 马丁说:“作为一名优秀的高尔夫球手,我希望参加比赛” But I need a golf cart to get from one hole to the next." “但是我需要一部高尔夫球车,来帮助我在场上自由行动” Suppose you were on the Supreme Court. 假设你在最高法庭上 Suppose you were deciding the justice of this case. 假设你要判决这个案子 How many here would say...

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Before March, 2011, I was a photographic retoucher based in New York City. 2011年3月之前,我是摄影修片师,常驻纽约市。 We're pale, gray creatures. 我们苍白无力、面如死灰。 We hide in dark, windowless rooms, and generally avoid sunlight. 我们总呆在漆黑一片、不见天日的屋子里,工作室没有窗,主要是为了抵御阳光。 We make skinny models skinnier, perfect skin more perfect, and ...

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Well, my answer is going to make reference to three models for arguments. 好了,为了回答这个问题,让我们来参照三种不同的辩论方式。 The first model, let's call this the dialectical model, 第一种模式,让我们称之为辩证模式, is that we think of arguments as war, and you know what that's like. 这种模式的辩论更想是打仗,相信你们都经历过。 There's a lot of screaming an...

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I learned about the Haiti earthquake by Skype. 我是从Skype上知道海地地震的。 My wife sent me a message, "Whoa, earthquake," and then disappeared for 25 minutes. 我妻子给我发了个消息,“哇,地震了,”然后就消失了25分钟。 It was 25 minutes of absolute terror that thousands of people across the U.S. felt. 这是绝对恐怖的25分钟,数以千计的美国人都感觉到了。 I was afraid o...

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