So today I want to show you my interactive software model that I created. 所以今天我想向你们展示我创造的互动软件。 I'm going to show it to you on my laptop. And I have a volunteer subject in the audience today, Julie. 我将
My story is a story of overcoming setbacks, obstacles and challenges that life throws at you. 我的故事是一个克服那些生命带给你的挫折、障碍和挑战的故事。 My story is the power of thought. My story is the power of choice. It's the
Good afternoon. 下午好。 As you're all aware, we face difficult economic times. I come to you with a modest proposal for easing the financial burden. 众所周知,我们正处经济困难时期。今天我带来了一个小小的建议可以消除财政负担。 This idea came
And then Twitter came along, and made things even more magic, because I could ask instantly for anything anywhere. 后来,微博的出现让事情变得更加神奇,因为我可以在任意时间和地点提出任何要求。 So I would need a piano to practice on, and an
What evidence is there for this? 那有什么证据支持这点吗? Well there's one very clear example where a sensation generated by myself feels very different then if generated by another person. 我们认为其中一个非常明了的例子就是自身产生的
So ovarian cancer is one of those cancers that most people don't know about, 卵巢癌是大多数人所不了解的癌症之一, or at least don't pay that much attention to. 或者至少说没有怎么注意。 But yet, it's the fifth leading cause of canc
But the way progress happens, is because new generations and new eras grow and develop and become better than the previous ones. 但进步是因新的一代人和新的时期而发生,不断的进步和发展,并超越之前的年代。 It's the reason we're not in the
The children came running in. It was three feet off the ground, and they said, "What is this?" 孩子们跑了进来。电脑离地面有3英尺,他们问:“这是什么?” And I said, "Yeah, it's, I don't know. So..." 我说:“唔,这是……我不知道。” They said, "
When I was a freshman in high school, I was a live wire of nervous hormones. And I was underdeveloped and over-excitable. 当我是高一新生时,我是一个神经激素异常活跃的人。我发育不良,但又过度兴奋。 And despite my fear of ever being looked
Thank you. Thank you. I have, and I'm sure everyone here has, A) a hundred questions, B) wants to hug you. 谢谢。谢谢。我相信这里的每个人,包括我在内,都有好多问题想问,并且想要拥抱你一下。 I'm just going to ask you one quick question. 我只问个简
And we saw over and over the way that spoken-word poetry cracks open locks. But it turns out sometimes, poetry can be really scary. 我们看到,口语诗遍地兴起,好似雨后春笋一样。但有时结局却是,诗歌可真吓人。 Turns out sometimes, you have
All right, so I want you to take a moment, and I want you to think of three things that you know to be true. 好吧,我想让大家花点时间,想出三件你们认为是真的事情。 They can be about whatever you want-- technology, entertainment
Now I can divide my spoken-word journey into three steps. Step one was the moment I said, "I can. I can do this." 现在我可以把我口语诗经历分为三阶段。第一阶段那时我会说,“我能,我能做到这个。” And that was thanks to a girl in a hoodie. St
So my name is Taylor Wilson. I am 17 years old and I am a nuclear physicist, which may be a little hard to believe, but I am. 我叫泰勒 威尔逊,今年17岁,我是一名核物理学家,可能你们很难相信,但我确实是。 And I would like to make the case
My parents named me Sarah, which is a biblical name. 我父母给我取名萨拉,来源于圣经中的名字。 In the original story, God told Sarah she could do something impossible, and-- she laughed, because the first Sarah, she didn'
It's been tried all over the world, and teachers sort of stand back and say, "It just happens by itself?" 在世界各地尝试过,老师们后退着说:“它就这么自己发生了?” And I said, "Yeah, it happens by itself.""How did you know that?
When I was a young man, a young biologist in Africa, I was involved in setting aside marvelous areas as future national parks. 我年轻的时候,是非洲的一个年轻生物学家,我参与了一个项目,为国家公园规划未来的野生区域。 Now no sooner — this was in
So I know you're probably thinking, okay, that's cool, 我知道大家现在大概会想,好吧,看着挺酷的, but how do we use any of this stuff for the built environment? 但是我们怎么把它应用到生产环境里? So I've started a lab at MIT, and it's cal
In fact, it was so successful that there's no way that these days you could make a book like this. 实际上,互联网如此成功,以至于如今你不可能出版这样一本通讯录了。 My rough calculation is it would be about 25 miles thick. 我粗略计算,如果这本
So this previous year, I won the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. 因此上一年,我赢下了国际科学以及工程大会活动的第一名。 I developed a detector that replaces the current detectors that Homeland Security has. 我创