TED演讲之身体语言 拥有大脑的真正原因(10)

So we decided to test this in the lab. Now we don’t work with children, we don’t work with hitting, but the concept is identical. 所以我们决定在实验室里做这个测试,好了我们不用小孩子,也不用打的,不过概念是相同的。 We bring in two adults. We tell them they’re going to play a game. 我们找来两个成人。告诉他们来做个小游戏。 And so here’s pla...

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TED演讲之身体语言 气味背后的科学(12)

OK? Now, we’re dealing with people who only want results, and this is the commercial world. 今天,我们在和只在乎结果的人们打交道,这是一个商业的世界。 And they tell us that even if we do it by astrology, they’re happy, OK? 他们告诉我们即便我们是用占星术得到的结果,他们也高兴。 We’re not actually doing it by astrology. 但是我们并没有利用占星...

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TED演讲之身体语言 互联网可能会崩溃,怎么办?(3)

And so, there are many of those things that start to happen. 许多类似的事情在不断的发生。 Now, there was an interesting thing that happened last April. 去年四月发生了一件有趣的事情。 All of a sudden, a very large percentage of the traffic on the whole Internet, 突然,整个互联网上相当大量的流量, including a lot of the traffic between U.S. military installa...

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TED演讲之身体语言 拥有大脑的真正原因(7)

But you can imagine looking inside the brain. And here’s inside the brain. 不过我们能想象大脑内部发生了什么。图上就是大脑内部。 You might have a little predictor, a neural simulator, of the physics of your body and your senses. 里面可能有一个预测结构,也就是神经组成的模拟器来模拟身体和感觉器官的物理过程。 So as you send a movement command down, you tap a c...

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TED演讲之神童 如果我有一个女儿…(2)

Because there’s nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it’s sent away. 因为再没有比这儿更美的事,当大海不断吻合着海岸线时,不管多少次大海被冲刷回去,它依旧在那儿潮起潮落。 You will put the wind in win some, lose some. You will put the star in starting over, and over. 在风中奇缘中你会...

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TED演讲之身体语言 互联网可能会崩溃,怎么办?(8)

But people won’t decide to do it until they recognize the need for it, and that’s the problem that we have right now. 但是直到人民意识到真正的需要,才会决定去做,这就是现在的问题所在。 So there’s been plenty of people, plenty of us have been quietly arguing that we should have this independent system for years, 因此大量的人,大量的专家们多年来一直...

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TED演讲之身体语言 改变荒漠现状,扭转气候变化(4)

Clearly, we have never understood what is causing desertification, which has destroyed many civilizations and now threatens us globally. 显然,我们从未明白什么导致了荒漠化,这种荒漠化已经毁掉了很多的文明社会,而现在对我们的威胁是全球性的。 We have never understood it. Take one square meter of soil and make it bare like this is down here, 我们从来都没有搞清楚过。像...

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TED演讲之神童 大人能从小孩身上学到什么(4)

I loved to write from the age of four, and when I was six, my mom bought me my own laptop equipped with Microsoft Word. 四岁的时候我就喜欢上写作,六岁的时候,我妈给我买了台装有微软Word软件的个人手提电脑。 Thank you, Bill Gates, and thank you, Ma. I wrote over 300 short stories on that little laptop, and I wanted to get published. 谢谢你比尔·盖茨!也谢谢你,妈咪!我...

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TED演讲之身体语言 改变荒漠现状,扭转气候变化(7)

Today, we have young women like this one teaching villages in Africa how to put their animals together into larger herds, plan their grazing to mimic nature, 今天,我们有像这样的年轻女性在非洲的村庄里传授技术,如何把他们的动物集合成一大群,如何安排计划达到模拟大自然的效果, and where we have them hold their animals overnight — we run them in a predator-friendly ...

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TED演讲之神童 大家的科学,儿童亦然(2)

And sometimes, when things don’t go our way, we get a little bit annoyed, right? But we’re talking about perception here, right? 而且有时,当事情不按我们想的那样发展,我们就会不爽,对吗?但是我们现在讨论的是感知,对吗? And perception underpins everything we think, we know, we believe, our hopes, our dreams, the clothes we wear, falling in love, everything...

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TED演讲之身体语言 互联网可能会崩溃,怎么办?(6)

So we’ve built this system where we understand all the parts of it, 所以我们建造了这个系统,我们虽然了解这个系统的所有部分, but we’re using it in a very, very different way than we expected to use it, 但是我们以一种不同于预期的非常不同的方式在使用它, and it’s gotten a very, very different scale than it was designed for. 而它的规模也与设计...

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TED演讲之身体语言 改变荒漠现状,扭转气候变化(9)

I believe I’ve shown you how we can work with nature at very low cost to reverse all this. 我相信我已经向你们展示了我们如何与大自然共处,用很低的成本来扭转这一切。 We are already doing so on about 15 million hectares on five continents, 我们正在全球五大洲,大约1500万公顷的土地上实施这一计划, and people who understand far more about carbon than I do calcul...

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TED演讲之神童 获奖青少年,科技在行动(8)

But I want everyone here to reimagine a world where instead of prescribing steroids, inhalers and medication, 我希望大家重新想象一个没有处方类固醇,气管喷雾和药品的世界, the doctor turns to Julie and says, “Why don’t you go home and clean out your air filters. 医生会对朱莉说,“为什么你不回家清理一下你家的空气过滤器呢。 Clean out the air ducts in you...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 凯文·凯利:谈未来5000天后的网络世界(5)

Now, with RFIDs and other things — whatever technology it is, it doesn’t really matter. 到那个时候,我们使用无线射频辨识系统(RFID)但用什么技术都无妨。 The point is that everything will have embedded in it some sensor connecting it to the machine, and so we have, basically, an Internet of things. 关键是每一样东西都将内建连接到这部机器,于是,我们就基本...

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TED演讲之神奇奥秘 奥利弗·萨克斯:幻觉背后的心智(6)

So in the Charles Bonnet hallucinations, you have all sorts of levels, from the geometrical hallucinations — 在邦纳式幻觉中,有好几种等级,从几何幻觉, the pink and blue squares the woman had — up to quite elaborate hallucinations with figures and especially faces. 比如老太太看到的粉色和蓝色的方块,到非常复杂的幻觉,比如各种人像,尤其是面容, Faces, ...

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TED演讲之生存故事 黛安·德娜珀丽:企鹅大救援(5)

Something else learned during the Apollo rescue was how to train the penguins to take fish freely from their hands, using these training boxes. 此外,阿波罗海(Apollo rescue)的救援还教会我们如何凭借这些训练箱来训练企鹅们用手抓鱼。 And we used this technique again during the Treasure rescue. But an interesting thing was noted during the training process. 于是这次在“...

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TED演讲之幕后揭秘 艾布拉姆斯之神秘的盒子(1)

I want to start today…… here’s my thing. Hold on. There I go. Hey. I want to start today — talk about the structure of a polypeptide. 我今天要说的,就是……稍等。行了。嘿,我今天要说的,是关于多肽化合物的组织结构。 I get a lot of people asking me, in terms of “Lost,” you know, “What the hell’s that island?” 有很多人问我,关于...

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TED演讲之幕后揭秘 伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特谈呵护创造力及减轻创作压力(3)

And the question that I want to ask everybody here today is are you guys all cool with that idea? 我今天想问在座各位的是:你们大家都对此毫无异议吗? Are you comfortable with that? Because you look at it even from an inch away and, you know — I’m not at all comfortable with that assumption. 你们都觉得这一观点毫无问题吗? 哪怕稍稍离远点看这个观点,我也不能...

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TED演讲之超短集 8个成功秘笈(1)

This is really a two-hour presentation I give to high school students, cut down to three minutes. 这真的是一个我给高中学生做的2个小时的演讲,现在缩到了3分钟。 And it all started one day on a plane, on my way to TED, seven years ago. 所有的一切都是从7年前的一天开始,我坐在飞往TED会议的飞机上。 And in the seat next to me was a high school student, a teenager, and ...

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TED演讲之神奇奥秘 奥利弗·萨克斯:幻觉背后的心智(3)

Now this, for me, is a common situation. I work in old-age homes, largely. 其实这种现象对我来说并不稀奇,我在养老院工作。 I see a lot of elderly people who are hearing impaired or visually impaired. 认识很多老人是听力或视力受损的。 About 10 percent of the hearing impaired people get musical hallucinations. 10%的听力受损者有听觉幻觉。 And about 10 percent o...

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