
You know, I grew up in the inner city, 要知道,我是在市区长大的, and there were kids who were failing in schools 56 years ago when I first went to school, 当时,很多学生在学业上就已经一事无成了,那可是在56年前,当时我刚开始读书, and those schools are still lousy today, 56 years later. 而那些学校在56年后的今天仍然还很糟糕、很烂。 And you know something ab...

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But when they really get pushy, people really get pushy, I say, “I do it because you do it for your kid.” 但是当他们变得有进取心时,我们就会变得更有进取心,我说:“我这样做就像你们为自己的儿子做的原因一样。” And you’ve never read a study from MIT that says giving your kid dance instruction is going to help them do algebra better, 可能你从未看过麻省...

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When the country cares about something, we’ll spend a trillion dollars without blinking an eye. 当一个国家在乎一些事了,我们就算花一万亿美元也不会眨一下眼睛的。 When the safety of America is threatened, we will spend any amount of money. 当美国的安全受到威胁时,多少钱我们都会花。 The real safety of our nation is preparing this next generation so that they ...

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Here’s what we know. We know that the problem begins immediately. Right? 以下是我们所知道的东西。我们知道,问题很快就会来的。对吧? This idea, zero to three. 我们来谈谈婴儿从出生到三岁的变化情况。 My wife, Yvonne, and I, we have four kids, three grown ones and a 15-year-old. That’s a longer story. 我的妻子Yvonne和我一共育有四个子女,其中三个已经成年,还有一个已经...

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Now look, I’m a technology fan, but I have to admit to you all I’m a little old. 我是一个技术发烧友,但我得承认我年纪是大了点。 So I was a little slow, and I did not trust technology, and when they first came out with those new contraptions, 所以,我会有点跟不上形势,我也不相信技术,尤其是我第一次看到的新玩意儿, these tellers that you put in a card and they give...

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I’m a little nervous, because my wife Yvonne said to me, she said, “Geoff, you watch the TED Talks.” 我有点紧张,因为我的妻子Yvonne对我说:“Geoff,你看TED演讲的,对吧?” I said, “Yes, honey, I love TED Talks.” 我说:“对啊,亲爱的,我喜欢TED演讲。” She said, “You know, they’re like, really smart, talented…” ...

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If you think about technology, imagine if that’s how we thought about technology. 如果我们来看一看技术,试想如果这就是我们对技术的看法。 Every time something didn’t work, we just threw in the towel and said, “Let’s forget it.” Right? 每次如果有什么东西没有用,我们就放弃,就说:“算了,没用的。”这样行吗? You know, they convinced me. ...

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Because in my older years, I’ve become somewhat of a clairvoyant. 到了我这把年纪,我可以说是已经开了慧眼了。 I can predict school scores. You take me to any school. 我可以很容易地预测到某所学校的成绩的。只要你把我带到任何一所学校。 I’m really good at inner city schools that are struggling. 我尤其善于预测市区那些办学水平不怎么样的学校。 And you ...

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You know, I always wonder, who makes up those rules? 我一直都挺郁闷的,到底是谁制定这样的臭规定啊? For years I went to — Look, I went the Harvard Ed School. I thought I knew something. 多年以来,我一直会去哈佛的Ed学校。我想我还是了解一些情况的。 They said it was the agrarian calendar, and people had — but let me tell you why that doesn’t make sense. 他们说...

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