
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This Thursday, Laura and I returned from an inspiring visit to Africa. In Benin and Tanzania, we met leaders who are fighting HIV/AIDS and malaria — and people whose lives have been saved by the generosity of the American people. In Rwanda, we saw a nation overcoming the pain of genocide with courage and grace and hope. In Ghana, we met ent...

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百度CEO李彦宏演讲 :中国对计算机科学人才的需求

Another very unique thing for China is that, 另一件在中国特别的事情是 for this chart at the bottom, 从图表底部 you can tell that there are more than 700,000 可以看出每年有超过70万的 engineering graduates each year. 工科毕业生 Engineering – meaning computer science-related engineering. 这里的工科指的是与计算机相关工程科学 So the talent pool there is huge. 中国有着巨大的...

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Originally, it was meant to be from Beijing, the northern capital to Nanjing, the southern capital. 最初,我们打算从北京一路走到南京。 But I walked a little bit too fast and I got there three weeks early 但我走的太快了点,我提前三周走完了全程, and Xuelin said you’ve arrived three weeks early, well, now you can walk on to my home city, which is Hangzhou ...

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And among those 1.6 million new businesses will be the future Alibaba, the future Huawei, 在这160万个新企业中会有未来的阿里巴巴、未来的华为 the future Wanda and perhaps the people running them are in this room today. 和未来的万达。或许这些企业的运营者就在你们中间。 That’s what comes when you have a dynamic economy, confident about the future. 这就是当你拥有一个充满活力...

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A few local houses around a local square. 有一些房屋建在当地的一个广场上。 In the middle of the square, a great tree, an oak tree. 广场中央有一棵巨大的橡树。 And beside the oak tree, there was a well. 橡树旁边有一口井。 We sat down from the heat of the temperatures of about40 degrees. 我们坐在橡树下躲避40度左右的高温。 Xuelin and I sat down beside th...

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But that leads us to our next lesson for understanding China from my walk. 我从徒步旅行中学到了另一条关于了解中国方面的经验。 As I walked through towns and villages, I would see everywhere no matter what time of day, 当我走过城镇和村庄,无论什么时候我都能看到人们在劳动, people would be working, but often they will be working for themselves. 但他们往往会为自...

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And in the local square, what would we see. 在广场上,我们会看到一些景象。 Well, in western countries often you won’t see anyone other than young people, 在西方国家,我们通常不会在广场上看到年轻人以外的任何人, because the squares are associated with alcohol and pubs and often they will be places that the very old and very young wouldn’t go. 因为...

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But we go back to this point that China has been a dominant economic power through human history. 我们回到这一点上,中国自古以来是一个主要经济体。 It comes because of the central plain which I was walking right across between the Yellow River and Yangtze River. 这是由于黄河和长江之间的中原地区,我徒步走过这一片平原。 It’s an immensely fertile plain. ItR...

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I was amazed. I felt like Marco Polo. 我很惊讶。我觉得自己就像是马可波罗。 And to capture the moment, I said to Xuelin, 为了捕捉这一刻,我对雪琳说, I said do you think that they will be OK if we actually took a photograph, a photograph. 你认为他们会愿意拍一张照片吗? I thought hang on, they will get a little bit worry, perhaps they don’t know what a...

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That investment in children feeds through into infrastructure. 对孩子进行投资延伸到了基础设施领域。 So many people have talked about the importance of infrastructure. 很多人都谈到了基础设施的重要性。 The massive growth of high speed rail lines around the country is quite amazing 中国各地高铁的高速增长令人惊叹, and there is still a queue of people trying t...

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Well, thank you very much and it’s a great privilege to share the platform with such inspirational speakers as you’ve already heard this evening. 非常感谢大家,我很荣幸能在今晚与这些鼓舞人心的演讲者们同台。 Of course as it was mentioned I have a particular perspective on China. 当然刚刚也提到了,我对中国有与众不同的看法。 I’ve fallen in love with Chi...

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Hard work, so education, investing in the young. 努力工作,重视教育,对年轻人进行投资。 Hard work, these are all important lessons for the future. But there was another element. 这些都是实现未来发展的重要经验。但是还有一个元素。 You see, China is actually quite a sentimental country. It’s very optimistic. 中国实际上是一个相当富有感情的国家。他们非常乐观...

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You see the education performance, PISA, which is the international ranking of educational performance 你可以看一看教育方面的表现,国际学生评估项目(PISA)是国际教育成果排行榜, looks at all of the countries around the world and where does it find the math and science performance is the best in Shanghai. 考察世界各国的教育成果。它发现在数学和科学方面上海学生得分最...

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As we continued walking, we visited many of the places that the previous speakers talked about the Confucian tradition 我们继续赶路,参观了许多地方。前面的发言者们谈到儒家传统, which is so important I think to help people understand what China is about and where those traditions come from, 我想儒家思想非常重要,它能帮助人们了解中国以及那些传统的来源, just as m...

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1、销售(顾问型销售) 提名理由:在每一个发展正常的公司,销售人员开的车都比老总的好。千万别因为各个行业销售人才缺口的百万量级就一脚踏进来,专家们说,做到了顾问型销售的才是一流,并非人人都能练就九阳神功第十重。 2 、IT工程师 提名理由:无论是熬夜干活的软件工人还是闲着数辆保时捷跑车没时间开的金领新贵,这个行业给了每个从业者均等的朝阳曙光,不信?看看那些跟刀抗母有关的公司股票吧...

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学习刘翔的脚踏实地。刘翔从默默无闻到闻名于世,从奥运会冠军到创造世界纪录,靠的都是一步一个脚印的苦练,靠的都是踏踏实实的苦练,不操之过急,不浮夸,不急于求成,更不想着通过使用兴奋剂什么的提高成绩,从而,每天在进步,每时在进步,不断达到新的境界,实现新的突破,取得新的成绩。 教育发展也必须象刘翔一样,不浮夸,不急于求成,不追慕数字的虚荣,而是脚踏实地、一步一个脚印地去做,就像当...

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通过网上调查方式,对415位北京的公司白领进行调研发现:工作压力较大的人占到了调查总人数的41.1%,是工作压力较小的白领人数(占20%)的两倍。其中,男女对工作压力的感受大体相同,但女性的身心疲劳度远远高于男性。研究者认为,这可能与女性同时承担更多的家庭压力,以及女性面临压力的自然反应和疏散压力的方式不够积极有关。当然,这一结果与日本的调查不尽相同,也与两国不同的文化特征有关。 美国...

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咔嚓,给中国生物多样性来张照片 作者:张渺 倾盆大雨中,一只粉嫩的树蛙“聪明”地扛起一片绿叶躲雨。不久前,印度尼西亚摄影师拍下的一组照片在微博上走红。 不过,这幅打动人心的图片,却让自然摄影师徐健很愤怒。他解释说,这一幕很可能是摆拍。这种做法将给树蛙带来生命危险,它的皮肤被人手触摸后,感染的可能性非常大。 2008年,这位北京林业大学生物学的毕业生,创办了非官方机构影像生物多样性调查所...

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一个美国小伙的中国“长征” 作者:刘子倩 研究红歌,爱中国革命史,最爱陕西面,24岁美国小伙潘亚当,骑摩托重走红军长征路。他历时三个月长途跋涉,从红都江西瑞金出发,沿着当年红军的长征路线,经贵州、云南、四川、甘肃等省份,最终到达革命圣地——延安,历时90余天,行程8000多公里。潘亚当试图用双脚丈量这段久远的传奇,参与和记录这段正在变化的历史。 “这才叫世界啊” 潘亚当出生在加拿大蒙特利尔,是...

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