TED演讲之生存故事 黛安·德娜珀丽:企鹅大救援(5)

Something else learned during the Apollo rescue was how to train the penguins to take fish freely from their hands, using these training boxes. 此外,阿波罗海(Apollo rescue)的救援还教会我们如何凭借这些训练箱来训练企鹅们用手抓鱼。 And we used this technique again during the Treasure rescue. But an interesting thing was noted during the training process. 于是这次在“...

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TED演讲之生存故事 黛安·德娜珀丽:企鹅大救援(4)

Now the day after we arrived, a new crisis began to unfold. 也就是在我们抵达的第二天,一个新的危机出现了。 The oil slick was now moving north towards Dassen Island, and the rescuers despaired, because they knew if the oil hit, it would not be possible to rescue any more oiled birds. 泄漏的油开始向北部的达森岛(Dassen Island)漂移,当时救援者们都快绝望了,因为他们知道...

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TED演讲之生存故事 黛安·德娜珀丽:企鹅大救援(2)

Now when the Treasure sank in 2000, it was the height of the best breeding season scientists had ever recorded for the African penguin, which at the time, was listed as a threatened species. 而当2000年“宝藏(Treasure)”号发生沉船事故时,正值有史以来科学家所记录的南非企鹅繁殖最旺盛的一个时期——而南非企鹅在当时已经被列入濒危物种的名单。 And soon, nearly 20,000 penguins wer...

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TED演讲之生存故事 黛安·德娜珀丽:企鹅大救援(6)

And in addition, about 3,000 penguin chicks were rescued and hand raised. 此外,有大约3000只企鹅崽崽获救后由工作人员抚养长大。 And again, we know from long-term monitoring that more of these hand-raised chicks survive to adulthood and breeding age than do parent-raised chicks. 并且,我们通过长期追踪监测,发现比起那些企鹅自己抚养的孩子来说,这些人工饲养的企鹅更多的...

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TED演讲之生存故事 黛安·德娜珀丽:企鹅大救援(3)

The other thing that was so striking was the sheer number of volunteers. 另外一件令我震撼的事,便是那庞大的志愿者队伍。 Up to 1,000 people a day came to the rescue center. 每天有多达1000位朋友来到救助中心。 Eventually, over the course of this rescue, more than 12-and-a-half thousand volunteers came from all over the world to Cape Town, to help save these birds. ...

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TED演讲之生存故事 黛安·德娜珀丽:企鹅大救援(1)

For as long as I can remember, I have felt a very deep connection to animals and to the ocean. 印象中,我一直觉得自己与动物和海洋有着千丝万缕的联系。 And at this age, my personal idol was Flipper the dolphin. 在我这般大的时候,我的偶像便是海豚Flipper。(译者注:Flipper是六十年代美国电视节目《Flipper》中主演的海豚的名字。) And when I first learned about endangered...

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QQ拥有数以亿计的庞大用户,可是有多少人知道,腾讯QQ的创始人是马化腾?这个长得高大帅气的男人,已经四十岁了,却还是一副大学生的模样。他信奉高调做事、低调为人。他不太对媒体提起他的创业,更不用说他的感情和家庭生活了。了解马化腾的人知道,他的另一半王丹婷从事音乐工作,温柔秀雅,有着大家闺秀的风范。他们通过QQ相识、相知、相恋,从网上走到网下,走进幸福的婚姻…… 企鹅“爸爸” 偶遇企鹅“妈妈...

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