
分手后,大多数人会把前任的东西扔掉,这是向过去挥手告别,也是为遇到下一任避免一些不必要的误会和麻烦。也有人选择收藏至少一件当年的物件,证明自己曾经爱过,毕竟能满心满意陪你一段的人不多。如果是你,会把前任的东西扔掉吗? 正方观点: 扔掉。彻底和过去说再见 1、尽量不去看吧。。过去一段感情。就要重新开始新一段感情。以免触景生情吧 2、我不会已经让我伤心东西留下!因为那个已经远去的人已...

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美文阅读 (287)不应该对前任说什么

What a Girl Shouldn’t Say to Her Ex 一个女孩不应该对她的前任说什么 You Are So Cheap 你太廉价了 Being cheap is not what a man intends or plans to do when he is around you. 当一个男人在你身边,他可不想变得“廉价”。 In fact, paying for your shopping and dinners gives men a sort of an ego boost, 事实上,男人花钱带你购物,请你吃饭,也会随之而来一种自我膨胀的感觉, as it puts...

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美文阅读 (273)如果你的前任结婚了

If you’re in touch with your ex, it’s inevitable that you’ll eventually hear they’re getting married someday. 如果你与你的前任还有联系,你终会听到他有一天会结婚,这是不可避免的。 But how should you deal with the news? 但你应该如何处理这个消息呢? Imagine you’re just casually scrolling through your social software, not really seeing ...

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