四个四重奏:第25期 干燥的萨尔维吉斯(6)

I have said before 我以前说过 That the past experience revived in the meaning 在涵义中复活的以往经验 Is not the experience of one life only 不仅是一个人一生的经验, But of many generations — not forgetting something that is probably quite ineffable: 而且是多少世代人的经验——不要忘记其中有的很可能根本无法言喻: The backward look behind the assurance of recorded history, the ba...

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四个四重奏:第16期 东科克(8)

I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope 我对我的灵魂说,别作声,耐心等待但不要寄予希望, For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love 因为希望会变成对虚妄的希望;耐心等待但不要怀有爱恋, For love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith 因为爱恋会变成对虚妄的爱恋;纵然犹有信心, But the faith and the love and the hope are all in the wa...

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四个四重奏:第6期 焚毁的诺顿(6)

Time and the bell have buried the day, 时间和晚钟埋葬了白天, The black cloud carries the sun away. 乌云卷走了太阳。 Will the sunflower turn to us, will the clematis 向日葵会转向我们吗,铁线莲? Stray down, bend to us; tendril and spray 会纷披下来俯向我们吗;卷须的小花枝头 Clutch and cling? 会抓住我们,缠住我们吗? Chill 冷冽的 Fingers of yew be curled 紫杉的手指会弯到 Down ...

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四个四重奏:第29期 干燥的萨尔维吉斯(10)

To communicate with Mars, converse with spirits, 跟火星通话,与神灵交谈, To report the behaviour of the sea monster, 报告海妖的行为, Describe the horoscope, haruspicate or scry, 观测天象预卜未来,查看祭牲的内脏以释神谕, Observe disease in signatures, evoke 或从水晶球中观察幻象, Biography from the wrinkles of the palm 从签名的笔迹看出病症,从手掌的纹路 And tragedy from fi...

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四个四重奏:第4期 焚毁的诺顿(4)

The inner freedom from the practical desire, 内心超脱了显示的欲求, The release from action and suffering, release from the inner 解脱了行动和苦痛,也解脱了内心 And the outer compulsion, yet surrounded 和身外的逼迫,而被围拥在 By a grace of sense, a white light still and moving, 一种恩宠之感,一道静静的白光之中, Erhebung without motion, concentration 徐徐上升而又凝然不动,...

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四个四重奏:第11期 东科克(3)

Round and round the fire 一圈又一圈地围着篝火 Leaping through the flames, or joined in circles, 或加入舞伴们的圆圈,或穿过熊熊火焰 Rustically solemn or in rustic laughter 婆娑起舞,质朴而严肃,或发出村野的笑声 Lifting heavy feet in clumsy shoes, 提起穿着笨拙的鞋子的沉重的脚, Earth feet, loam feet, lifted in country mirth 泥脚,沾着沃土的脚、 Mirth of those long since under ...

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四个四重奏:第20期 干燥的萨尔维吉斯(1)

The Dry Salvages 干燥的萨尔维吉斯 I do not know much about gods; but I think that the river 我不太了解神明;但我以为这条河 Is a strong brown god — sullen, untamed and intractable, 准是个威武的棕色大神——阴沉,粗野而又倔强, Patient to some degree, at first recognised as a frontier; 忍耐只能到一定侧过年度,起初人们把他认作一条边界; Useful, untrustworthy, as a conveyor of comm...

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四个四重奏:第22期 干燥的萨尔维吉斯(3)

The sea howl 大海的嚎叫 And the sea yelp, are different voices 和大海的呼喊,是不同的声音 Often together heard: the whine in the rigging, 常常能同时听到;帆索的哀鸣声, The menace and caress of wave that breaks on water, 海面上巨浪翻滚的恐吓和爱抚, The distant rote in the granite teeth, 远处的惊涛在花岗岩的齿缝中的排击声, And the wailing warn...

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四个四重奏:第34期 小吉丁(4)

In the uncertain hour before the morning 在黎明来临前无法确知的时刻 Near the ending of interminable night 漫漫长夜行将结束 At the recurrent end of the unending 永无终止又到了终点 After the dark dove with the flickering tongue had passed below the horizon of his homing 当黑黝黝的鸽子喷吐着忽隐忽现的火舌在地平线下掠飞归去以后 While the dead leaves stil...

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四个四重奏:第19期 东科克(11)

Home is where one starts from. As we grow older 家是我们出发的地方。随着我们年岁渐老 The world becomes stranger, the pattern more complicated of dead and living. Not the intense moment 世界变为陌路人,死与生的模式更为复杂。 Isolated, with no before and after, 那已与我们隔绝——没有以前也没有以后的, But a lifetime burning in every moment 不是那感情强烈的...

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四个四重奏:第32期 小吉丁(2)

It would be the same at the end of the journey, 到旅程的终点都一样, If you came at night like a broken king, 如果你像一位困顿的国王夤夜而来, If you came by day not knowing what you came for, 如果你白天来又不知道你为何而来, It would be the same, when you leave the rough road and turn behind the pig-sty to the dull facade and the tombstone. 那都一样,...

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四个四重奏:第26期 干燥的萨尔维吉斯(7)

I sometimes wonder if that is what Krishna meant — 我有时怀疑克里希纳说的是否就是这个意思—— Among other things — or one way of putting the same thing: 在别种涵义之外——或者同一件事的另一种说法: That the future is a faded song, a Royal Rose or a lavender spray 未来是一支消寂的歌,一朵殷红的玫瑰,或者是 Of wistful regret for those who are not yet here to reg...

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四个四重奏:第42期 小吉丁(12)

With the drawing of this Love and the voice of this calling 由于这种爱和召唤声的吸引 We shall not cease from exploration 我们将不停止探索 And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started 而我们一切探索的终点将是到达我们出发的地方 And know the place for the first time. 并且是生平第一遭知道这地方。 Through the unknown, remembered gate 当时间的终极犹待我们去...

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四个四重奏:第23期 干燥的萨尔维吉斯(4)

Where is there an end of it, the soundless wailing, 这无声的呜咽,这秋花的悄然谢去, The silent withering of autumn flowers dropping their petals and remaining motionless; 花瓣飘落从此凝然不动,它们的终极在哪里?沉船的残骸随波漂泊,白骨在岸滩上祈求, Where is there an end to the drifting wreckage, 那向宣布灾难临头的通告 The prayer of the bone on the beach, 发出无从祈求的祈求...

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四个四重奏:第2期 焚毁的诺顿(2)

There they were, dignified, invisible, 它们就在那儿,神态庄严而不可窥见, Moving without pressure, over the dead leaves, 在秋天的燠热里,穿过颤动的空气, In the autumn heat, through the vibrant air, 从容不迫地越过满地枯叶, And the bird called, in response to 鸟儿在呼唤,于那隐藏在灌木丛中 The unheard music hidden in the shrubbery, 不可闻见的音乐相应和, And the unseen eyebe...

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四个四重奏:第7期 焚毁的诺顿(7)

Words move, music moves 语言,音乐,都只能 Only in time; but that which is only living 在时间中行进;但是唯有生者 Can only die. Words, after speech, reach 才能死灭。语言,一旦说过,就归于 Into the silence. Only by the form, the pattern, 静寂。只有通过形式,模式, Can words or music reach 语言或音乐才能达到 The stillness, as a Chinese jar still 静止,正如一只中国的瓷瓶 Moves ...

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四个四重奏:第35期 小吉丁(5)

So I assumed a double part, and cried 因此我反复了一个双重角色,一面喊叫 And heard another’s voice cry: ‘What! are you here?’ 一面又听另一个人喊叫:“啊!你在这里?” Although we were not. I was still the same, 尽管我们都不是。我还是我, Knowing myself yet being someone other — 但我知道我自己已经成了另一个人—— And he a face still forming; 而他只是一张还在形成...

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四个四重奏:第12期 东科克(4)

What is the late November doing with the disturbance of the spring 迟留的十一月需要春天的困扰吗? And creatures of the summer heat, 需要夏暑的创造物 And snowdrops writhing under feet 和那脚下缠绕的雪花吗, And hollyhocks that aim too high 需要那一心想扶摇直上 Red into grey and tumble down, late roses filled with early snow? 却由红变灰终于跌落下来的蜀葵,需要那盖满了初雪的凋...

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四个四重奏:第33期 小吉丁(3)

Ash on an old man’s sleeve is all the ash the burnt roses leave. 一个老人衣袖上的灰是焚烧的玫瑰留下的全部尘灰。 Dust in the air suspended marks the place where a story ended. 尘灰悬在空中标志着一个故事在这里告终。 Dust inbreathed was a house — 你吸入的尘灰曾经是一座宅邸—— The wall, the wainscot and the mouse. 墙、护壁板和耗子。 The death of hop...

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四个四重奏:第40期 小吉丁(10)

The dove descending breaks the air with flame of incandescent terror 鸽子喷吐着炽烈的恐怖的火焰划破夜空,掠飞而下 Of which the tongues declare the one discharge from sin and error. 烈焰的火舌昭吿世间它免除了死者的过错和罪愆。 The only hope, or else despair 那仅有的希望,要不就是失望 Lies in the choice of pyre or pyre — 在于你对焚尸柴堆的选择或者就在于柴...

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