
so that your home does not contribute to an overdose, 因此你的家里不会导致用药过量, or create or fuel an abuse or addiction problem. 或者助长药物滥用和成瘾问题。 Protect your friends, protect your family, protect your loved ones. 保护你的朋友们,保护你们的家人,保护你爱的人们。 Find a participating safe-disposal site near you by visiting “TakeBackDay.dea.gov” 在...

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Hello, it’s great to be with you. 你好,和你们在一起感觉真好. I want to talk about opioid addiction 我想谈谈阿片类药物成瘾问题, which claimed an average of 116 American lives every single day in 2016. 在2016年平均每天夺走116人的生命。 My Administration is committed to using every tool at our disposal to combat the opioid epidemic 我的政府承诺使用...

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We must make sure that our Coast Guard members serving on the front lines are given the resources they need 我们必须确保我们在前线的海岸警卫队队员,能够得到他们需要的资源, to defend America and our vital interests in our own hemisphere. 来保卫美国和我们半球的重大利益。 As they work to prevent drugs from entering our country, 在他们在阻止毒品进入我们的国家, ...

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Opioid abuse and addiction can impact anyone, 阿片类药物滥用和成瘾可以影响任何人, and everyone knows someone who has been impacted. 任何人都知道一些曾被影响的人们。 That’s why we call it the “Crisis Next Door.” 也因此,我们称其为“隔壁危机”。 Most Americans who abuse prescription drugs get them from someone else’s leftover prescript...

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