
A few months ago the fairy tale came true. 几个月前,童话故事成真了! We announced to the world that we know what these streaks are. It’s liquid water. 我们向世界宣布,我们已经知道这些条纹是什么了。是液态水。 These craters are weeping during the summer. 这些陨石坑在夏天浸出水分。 Liquid water is flowing down these craters. 这些液态水顺着陨石坑向下...

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Another moon, very similar, is Europa. 另一个非常相似的卫星,木卫二。 Galileo visited Jupiter’s system in 1996 and made fabulous observations of Europa. 伽利略号在1996年时探访了木星系统,对木卫二进行了详细的观察。 Europa, we also know, has an under-the-ice crust ocean. 我们知道木卫二拥有存在于冰层下的海洋。 Galileo mission told us that, but we never ...

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Cassini just a few months ago also flew through the plume, and it measured silicate particles. 卡西尼太空船几个月前又从这些飞溅的水流中穿过,它检测到了硅酸盐颗粒。 Where does the silica come from? 这些硅从哪来的? It must come from the ocean floor. 它肯定是从海底来的。 The tidal energy is generated by Saturn, pulling and squeezing this moon 土星产生的潮...

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Another moon that we’re looking at is Titan. 我们在研究的另一个卫星是土卫六。 Titan is a huge moon of Saturn. 土卫六是土星的一个非常大的卫星。 It perhaps is much larger than the planet Mercury. It has an extensive atmosphere. 它可能比水星还要大很多。它有着广阔的大气层。 It’s so extensive — and it’s mostly nitrogen with a little meth...

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