
发展和安全并重,以确保安全为前提发展核能事业。 The world should place equal emphasis on development and security, and develop nuclear energy on the premise of security. 任何以牺牲安全为代价的核能发展都难以持续,都不是真正的发展。 Developing nuclear energy at the expense of security can neither be sustainable nor bring real development. 核能的开发利用给人类发展带来了新的动力...

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奥巴马演讲 美国人民始终与波士顿在一起

On Monday, an act of terror wounded dozens and killed three innocent people at the Boston Marathon. But in the days since, the world has witnessed one sure and steadfast(坚定的) truth: Americans refuse to be terrorized. Ultimately, that’s what we’ll remember from this week. That’s what will remain. Stories of heroism and kindness; resolve and resilience; ...

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奥巴马讲话 各国面对的经济挑战2

So with that, let me take a few questions. I’ll start with Jim Kuhnhenn of AP. Q New jobless numbers today back in the States. You’re on a pace to face the voters with the highest unemployment rate of any postwar President. And doesn’t that make you significantly vulnerable to a Republican who might run on a message of change? And if I may add, given that y...

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奥巴马演讲 纪念9·11事件十周年

This weekend, we’re coming together, as one nation, to mark the 10th anniversary of the September 11th attacks. We’re remembering the lives we lost—nearly 3,000 innocent men, women and children. We’re reaffirming our commitment to always keep faith with their families. We’re honoring the heroism of first responders who risked their lives—a...

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奥巴马演讲 在阿富汗基地的讲话2

Now, I also want to say thank you to your families back home so that when you talk to them you know that they know. (Applause.) They’re serving here with you — in mind and spirit, if not in body. Millions of Americans give thanks this holiday season just as generations have before when they think about our armed services. You’re part of an unbroken line of ...

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奥巴马演讲 实现我们的理想1

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you! Hello! (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you. Well, hello, Philadelphia! (Applause.) And hello, Masterman. It is wonderful to see all of you. What a terrific introduction by Kelly. Give Kelly a big round of applause. (Applause.) I was saying backstage that when I was in high school, I could not have done that. (Laughter.) I would have muffed(弄糟) it u...

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奥巴马讲话 呼吁参保平价医疗法案

Hi, everybody. For decades, too many working Americans went without the security of health insurance-and their financial well-being suffered because of it. We’ve begun to change that. As the Affordable Care Act has taken effect, we’ve covered 17. 6 million Americans. Since 2010, the uninsured rate has decreased by 45%. And for the first time, more than 90% of Ame...

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奥巴马演讲 扩大美国国内的石油产量

Recently, there have been signs that the economy is picking up steam. Last month, we saw the strongest job growth in five years, and have added more than three-quarters of a million private sector jobs in just three months. But there are still too many Americans who are either looking for work, or struggling to pay the bills and make the mortgage. Paychecks aren’t gett...

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Hello everyone, I’m Michelle Obama, and on this Mother’s Day weekend, I want to take a moment to honor all the mothers out there and wish you a Happy Mother’s Day.I also want to speak to you about an issue of great significance to me as a First Lady, and more importantly, as the mother of two young daughters. Like millions of people across the globe, my hus...

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奥巴马讲话 呼吁制定国际经济秩序

Hi, everybody. This week, after five years of effort with eleven other nations, we reached agreement on a new trade deal that promotes American values and protects American workers. There’s a reason this Trans-Pacific Partnership took five years to negotiate. I wanted to get the best possible deal for American workers. And that is what we’ve done. Here’s wh...

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奥巴马演讲 让我们帮助全国人民重新获得工作1

THE PRESIDENT: Please, everybody, have a seat, on this beautiful morning. It’s wonderful to see all of you here. On Thursday, I told Congress that I’ll be sending them a bill called the American Jobs Act. Well, here it is. (Applause.) This is a bill that will put people back to work all across the country. This is the bill that will help our economy in a moment o...

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奥巴马讲话 确保同工同酬 为女性争取权利

Hi, everybody. Earlier this week was Equal Pay Day. It marks the extra time the average woman has to work into a new year to earn what a man earned the year before. You see, the average woman who works full-time in America earns less than a man-even when she’s in the same profession and has the same education. That’s wrong. In 2014, it’s an embarrassment. W...

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奥巴马讲话 各方携手尽快落实移民体系改革法案

Hi everybody. Right now, the United States Senate is debating a bipartisan(两党连立的), commonsense bill that would be an important step toward fixing our broken immigration system. It’s a bill that would continue to strengthen security at our borders, and hold employers more accountable if they knowingly hire undocumented workers, so they won’t have an unfair ...

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奥巴马演讲 公布抗击艾滋病战略2

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Mr. President — THE PRESIDENT: Let’s — hold on — you can talk to me after — we’ll be able to talk after I speak. That’s why I invited you here, right? So you don’t have to yell, right? (Applause.) Thank you. Second is treatment. To extend lives and stem transmission, we need to make sure every HIV-positive Amer...

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奥巴马讲话 向退伍军人表达敬意

Hi, everybody. This weekend, I depart for Asia to advance American leadership and promote American jobs in a dynamic region that will be critical to our security and prosperity in the century ahead. The democracies, progress and growth we see across the Asia Pacific would have been impossible without America’s enduring commitment to that region-especially the service o...

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奥巴马讲话 年度施政计划

Hi, everybody. My number one priority as President is doing whatever I can to create more jobs and opportunity for hardworking families. And yesterday, we learned that businesses added 273,000 jobs last month. All told(合计), our businesses have now created 9.2 million new jobs over 50 consecutive months of job growth. But we need to keep going-to create more good jobs, an...

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奥巴马演讲 加强对拉丁美洲的出口

In recent days, we’ve seen turmoil(混乱,骚动) and tragedy around the world, from change in the Middle East and North Africa to the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. As I said on Friday, we will work with our partners in the region to protect innocent civilians in Libya and hold the Gaddafi regime accountable. And we will continue to stand with the people of Japan in ...

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奥巴马讲话 敦促国会批准消费者金融保护局局长提名

Hi, everybody. Three years ago this weekend, we put in place tough new rules of the road for the financial sector so that irresponsible behavior on the part of the few could never again cause a crisis that harms millions of middle-class families. As part of that reform, we set up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the first-ever independent consumer watchdog with one ...

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奥巴马演讲 提名Jacob Lew任白宫预算主任

THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon. Before I begin, I just want to note a breakthrough that we’ve had on our efforts to pass the most comprehensive(综合的,广泛的) reform of Wall Street since the Great Depression. Three Republican senators have put politics and partisanship aside to support this reform, and I’m grateful for their decision, as well as all the Democra...

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日本天皇谈话 作为象征天皇关于公务的想法

Message from His Majesty The Emperor August 8, 2016 A major milestone year marking the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II has passed, and in two years we will be welcoming the 30th year of Heisei. As I am now more than 80 years old and there are times when I feel various constraints such as in my physical fitness, in the last few years I have started to reflect on m...

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