奥巴马演讲 签署紧急法案缓解教师失业

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. One of the biggest challenges of this recession has been its impact on state and local communities. With so many Americans unemployed or struggling to get by, states have been forced to balance their budgets(预算) with fewer tax dollars, which means that they’ve got to cut critical services and lay off(解雇,休息) teachers an...

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奥巴马演讲 俄亥俄州民宅谈经济3

And I am very proud that we’ve got somebody like a Sherrod Brown or a Mary Jo, who worked really tirelessly with us in Congress to make sure that we don’t have a situation where we’ve got to bail out banks that have taken reckless risks; that we are monitoring what’s happening in the financial system a lot more carefully, making sure people aren&rsquo...

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奥巴马演讲 欢迎胡锦涛主席来美国访问

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Good morning, everyone. President Hu, members of the Chinese delegation, on behalf of Michelle and myself, welcome to the White House. And on behalf of the American people, welcome to the United States. Three decades ago, on a January day like this, another American President stood here and welcomed another Chinese leader for the historic normalization of re...

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奥巴马讲话 呼吁国会延长失业福利政策

Hi, everybody. The holiday season is a time for remembering the bonds we share, and our obligations to one another as human beings. But right now, more than one million of our fellow Americans are poised to lose a vital economic lifeline just a few days after Christmas if Congress doesn’t do something about it. Our top priority as a country should be restoring opportun...

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奥巴马演讲 暴乱必须停止

THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. Secretary Clinton and I just concluded a meeting that focused on the ongoing(不间断的,进行的) situation in Libya. Over the last few days, my national security team has been working around the clock to monitor the situation there and to coordinate with our international partners about a way forward.First, we are doing everything we...

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奥巴马演讲 美国工人的斗争将继续4

Now, think about this. These are the people who teach our children. These are the people who keep our streets safe. These are the people who put their lives on the line, who rush into a burning building. Government jobs? I don’t know about you, but I think those jobs are worth saving. (Applause.) I think those jobs are worth saving. (Applause.) By the way, this bill th...

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奥巴马演讲 我相信美国4

That’s why we’re trying to make it easier for workers to save for retirement and fighting the efforts of some in the other party to privatize Social Security — because as long as I’m President, no one is going to take the retirement savings of a generation of Americans and hand it over to Wall Street. Not on my watch. (Applause.) That’s why we&r...

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奥巴马演讲 关于中产阶级减税和失业保险4

Chuck Todd. Q Mr. President, what do you say to Democrats who say you’re rewarding Republican obstruction here? You yourself used in your opening statement they were unwilling to budge on this. A lot of progressive Democrats are saying they’re unwilling to budge, and you’re asking them to get off the fence and budge. Why should they be rewarding Republican ...

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奥巴马演讲 祝愿全国人民复活节快乐

Hi, everybody. For millions of Americans, this is a special and sacred time of year. This week, Jewish families gathered around the Seder table, commemorating the Exodus from Egypt and the triumph of faith over oppression. And this weekend, Michelle, Malia, Sasha and I will join Christians around the world to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the hopeful promise...

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奥巴马演讲 我们会和日本人民站在一起

THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everyone. Over the last several days, the American people have been both heartbroken and deeply concerned about the developments in Japan.We’ve seen an earthquake and tsunami render(提出,实施) unimaginable — an unimaginable toll of death and destruction on one of our closest friends and allies in the world. And we’ve seen t...

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奥巴马演讲 美军将准时离开伊拉克3

But what did the other party say? No. They want to go back to the status quo that got us into this same situation. The reforms we passed protect consumers and responsible bankers and responsible business owners. That’s what the free market is supposed to be about: setting some basic rules for the road so that everybody can compete — not on how to game the system,...

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奥巴马演讲 在阿富汗基地的讲话1

THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody! (Applause.) I’m sorry, Bagram, I can’t hear you. (Applause.) Air Assault! (Applause.) It is great to be back. Let me first of all thank the 101st Airborne Division Band. Where’s the band? Give them a big round of applause. Thank you. (Applause.) To Chief Thomas Hager and to the commander and conductor. I gather we had a coup...

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奥巴马讲话 为了全美人民抛开党派偏见

Hi everybody. This week, because Democrats and responsible Republicans came together, the government was reopened, and the threat of default was removed from our economy. There’s been a lot of discussion lately of the politics of this shutdown. But the truth is, there were no winners in this. At a time when our economy needs more growth and more jobs, the manufactured ...

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奥巴马演讲 我们需要帮忙每个孩子进步3

Now, that doesn’t mean testing is going to go away; there will be testing. But the point is, is that we need to refine how we’re assessing progress so that we can have accountability without rigidity — accountability that still encourages creativity inside the classroom, and empowers teachers and students and administrators. Of course, we also know that bet...

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奥巴马演讲 我们支持新利比亚政权2

In this effort, you will have a friend and partner in the United States of America. Today, I can announce that our ambassador is on his way back to Tripoli. And this week, the American flag that was lowered before our embassy was attacked will be raised again, over a re-opened American embassy. We will work closely with the new U.N. Support Mission in Libya and with the nati...

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奥巴马演讲 引领美国经济朝正确方向发展2

Because of you, we’ve been able to get a lot done over the last 20 months. Together, we’re jumpstarting a new American clean energy industry — an industry with the potential to generate perhaps millions of jobs building wind turbines and solar panels, and manufacturing the batteries for the cars of the future, building nuclear plants, developing clean coal ...

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奥巴马演讲 提高美国教育系统

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been making the case that we need to act now on the American Jobs Act, so we can put folks back to work and start building an economy that lasts into the future. Education is an essential part of this economic agenda. It is an undeniable(不可否认的) fact that countries who out-educate us today will out-compete us tomorrow. Businesses wil...

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奥巴马演讲 与卡梅伦会晤后答记者问1

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Good afternoon, everybody. Please have a seat. It is my great pleasure to welcome Prime Minister Cameron on his first visit to the White House as Prime Minister. We have just concluded some excellent discussions — including whether the beers from our hometowns that we exchanged are best served warm or cold. My understanding is, is that the Prime Minis...

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奥巴马演讲 Priorities on Taxes

Remarks of President Barack ObamaWeekly AddressThe White HouseNovember 6, 2010 This week, Americans across the country cast their votes and made their voices heard. And your message was clear.You’re rightly frustrated(挫败,阻挠) with the pace of our economic recovery. So am I.You’re fed up with partisan(党派的) politics and want results. I do too.So I congra...

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