
My lab got our first indication of this when actually we were studying non-human primates. 我的实验室在研究非人类–灵长类动物时,第一次发现了这个征兆。 We wanted to find out what happens to a monkey’s microbiome when they move from the jungle to a zoo. 我们想了解当猴子由丛林搬到动物园后,它们体内的微生物群会发生什么变化。 Does their microbiome change? Do they pick...

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Now, of course, we were very interested to find out what are these so-called invasive species that are taking over in the zoo. 因此,我们对找出这些所谓的入侵物种很感兴趣,它们主宰着动物园里动物体内的微生物群。 So we went back to the DNA, 所以我们分析了它们的DNA, and what the DNA told us is that every monkey in the zoo had become dominated by Bacteroides and Prevotella, 发现...

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Now, we did study some other species of primate. 我们也研究过其他种类的灵长类动物。 What species of primate do you think is even more divergent from the wild primates than the captive primates? 你觉得哪种灵长类动物比圈养的灵长类更加与野生灵长类不同? Modern humans. These are humans living in developing nations. 是现代人类!图中这些点代表生活在发展中国家的人。...

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So we know that moving to the USA is sufficient to cause a dramatic change in your microbiome, probably not for the better. 因此我们得出结论,移居到美国生活后,会造成体内微生物群发生巨大改变,很可能不是在变好。 Are these microbes actually causing the obesity, or is the obesity causing a change in the microbes? 这些微生物群真的会导致肥胖,还是肥胖造成了微生物群的改...

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Now this brings us to the human part of the story. 我们自然就要谈到人的问题。 Obviously, the microbiomes in the USA aren’t causing premature death as frequently as in the zoo, 显然,美国人体内微生物群的失衡,并没有造成像动物园那么多夭折, but we have major risk of obesity, diabetes, a number of these other diseases. 但我们有肥胖、糖尿病和其他类似疾病的...

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