
Americans defied death and hatred with love and courage. 美国人无畏牺牲,不惧死亡;他们爱护彼此,英勇无比。 This week our nation remembers all the wonderful people we have lost and all of the grace they brought into our lives and our communities. 本周,让我们共同铭记这些逝去的英勇之士,铭记他们为美国带来的荣耀。 Among the fallen were young students full of limit...

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My fellow Americans, 我的美国同胞们: On Wednesday, I traveled to Las Vegas to visit with the victims of the horrific shooting, speak with their families, 本周三,我前往拉斯维加斯看望枪击案的受害者,慰问家属。 and thank the brave citizens, first responders and medical personnel who saved so many lives. 同时,我要感谢市民、先遣急救员及医护人员,他们英勇无畏,...

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