
A single immigrant can begin a chain that could ultimately bring in dozens of increasingly distant relations. 单独的侨民可以一个连锁为开端,最终带来许多关系不大的远亲。 Because these individuals are admitted solely on the basis of family ties – not skill or not merit 因为这些人被允许进入美国只以家庭关系为基础,而非技能或功绩。 most of this immigration is lower-s...

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It is time to create a merit-based immigration system that makes sense for a modern economy 现在,是时候建立与现代经济相适应的择优移民系统了 selecting new arrivals based on their ability to support themselves financially and to make positive contributions to U.S society. 选择新来者时,要基于他们自身的经济支撑能力和为美国社会做正面贡献的能力。 Base it on love of ...

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My Fellow Americans, this week, I signed the National Defense Authorization Act – a historic step forward to rebuild our military. 我的美国同胞们,本周,我签署了国家国防授权法案——重建美国军队的一个历史性步骤。 Now, it is critical for Congress to pass the Clean Government Appropriations Bill that fully funds our military needs. 现在,国会要通过为军队完全注资的廉洁政...

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