
5.Mrs.Thatcher's Farewell Speech 5.撒切尔夫人的告别演说 Government apart, the strength of a civilized nation depends on the natural authority of the family, the school, the church and our great institutions. 一个文明国家,其力量不仅在于政府,还在于家庭、学校、教会和我们优越制度的天赋权威。 Who is to answer the child crying for help? Who is to protect the elderly couple? ...

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And I believe peace is the heart of what we in Britain ask our government to safeguard 我相信,捍卫和平是美国人民要求政府工作的核心任务。 Peace in industry has enabled people to honor living without fear of intimidation 工业和平维护人生尊严,免受危言恫吓之忧 or been called out on strike against their will and without a ballot. 与强迫罢工选举之苦。 Peace of mind, that comes w...

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