
Mr. President,Friends and Colleagues,And fellow Singaporeans, We have had a pivotal General Election. It took place during SG50, marking the beginning of a new chapter for us. As a people, we faced critical choices in this election. We had to decide whom we wanted to form the Government, which team to choose to secure our future, and which direction Singapore should progress...

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My fellow Singaporeans, Half a century ago, when we embarked on our nation-building journey, we could not yet call ourselves "one people". We found it hard to imagine how we would survive on our own, let alone progress together. But despite the odds, we made it. Last year, in SG50, we celebrated how far we had come. Singaporeans now own and live in beautiful homes....

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新加坡领土狭小,自然资源缺乏,但综合国力却多次被排在世界的前五位,其唯一的资源就是“人”。这一独特的国情,使新加坡尤其重视教育在繁荣外向型经济、增强国力和促进各民族共同发展中的先行地位。因此,新加坡的幼儿教育呈现出鲜明的特征。 新加坡是一个拥有多个民族、多种语言、多元文化的国家。政府推行精英政策,即由精英人才治理国家,由精英人才管理各行各业,同时致力于提高国民素质,依靠丰富的人...

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