
I feel that over the last couple decades, 我觉得在过去的几十年里, I feel that over time we’ve started to view reality as the poor cousin to our dreams in a sense. 我觉得随着时间的推移,在某种意义上,我们已经开始把现实看作是我们梦想的可怜陪衬。 We’ve started to think of reality as this kind of grey pebble at the center of wonderful abstract thought t...

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As a believer in the concept of Inception, 作为一个相信“奠基”这一概念的人, as a believer in the idea that you can plant the seed of, 作为一个相信能种下一个种子, a seed of an idea that will grow into something more substantial over time, 一个随着时间的推移会成长为更实质性的东西的想法的种子的人, I do feel some responsibility to try and say something to yo...

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And not to imitate one of your previous Class Day speakers Stephen Colbert, 我不打算效仿你们往届的毕业日演讲人史蒂芬·科拜尔, you know you could construe this as an insult to America. 因为你会把这理解为对美国的冒犯。 I mean we were flying over the Grand Canyon. 我是说我们当时正在飞越大峡谷。 I would go further than that I would say it’s an insult to ...

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And we use words, slippery words, like algorithm. 我们使用词汇,花哨的词汇,比如说算法这个词。 Okay, now if you hear someone use the word ‘algorithm’, 如果你听到有人用“算法”这个词, and they’re not a mathematics professor or a computer scientist, 而且他们不是数学教授,也不是计算机科学家, they’re probably trying to obscure what it i...

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1928年,他生于美国西弗吉尼亚州的一个富裕家庭,父亲是一位电子工程师,母亲是拉丁语教师,日子过得殷实而温馨。 他把心思和精力全部花在功课上,可成绩却很糟糕。到了中学,他的物理和化学成绩频频出现零分。在家长会上,数学老师向他的母亲抱怨,因为他常常使用一些奇特的解题方法。后来这种情况就更加频繁了,有几次在课上,老师演算了整整一黑板的习题,他只用简单的几步就解出来了。但这并没有得到老...

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