每日小短文背诵 (3)啤酒节(3)

It is fair to say that the city of Munich was founded on beer. Christian monks established a settlement there in the ninth century and began to brew a tasty mixture of malt and hops which they probably used to help ” convert ” local inhabitants to their religion. The tiny village where they lived eventually became known as Bei den Mon chen, meaning “where t...

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每日小短文背诵 (20)沙尘暴(3)

Although traveling dust storms are nothing new, the dust now often contains chemical or metallic substances that contribute to respiratory illnesses and damage the environment. At present, a group of researchers in Asia is studying aerosol particles and their effects on the environment—and they have plenty of dust to work with. 虽然移动的沙尘暴没什么稀奇,但现在那些沙尘...

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每日小短文背诵 (1)啤酒节

How would you like to sip a glass of cold beer while sitting in the shadow of a Chinese pagoda surrounded by English gardens in the middle of a southern German city? It may sound unlikely, but that is what millions of visitors from around the world experience in Munich in late September and early October every year. They come to celebrate Oktoberfest, probably the largest p...

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每日小短文背诵 (7)慕尼黑(7)

Munich, then, is a city of fascinating contrasts. It has terrific museums, architectural treasures, and open-air shopping as well as space-age factories and world-class markets. If you could visit only one city in Germany, the capital of Bavaria would be a worthy choice. 由此可见,慕尼黑是一个极具迷人的有鲜明反差的城市。它有令人流连忘返的博物馆、建筑珍品,露天商场,也有...

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每日小短文背诵 (22)沙尘暴(5)

It is a fact that excessive herding of animals and exploitation of grasslands are responsible for the majority of dust storms. This means that dust storms are largely a result of human actions; in other words, they are controllable. 事实上,沙尘暴形成的主要原因是过度放牧及滥垦草原,这表明沙尘暴大多是人的活动所导致,也就是说,它们是可加以控制的。

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每日小短文背诵 (19)沙尘暴(2)

In April of this year, a dust storm that originated in China and Mongolia took a six-day journey across more than ten thousand kilometers of sea and open land to Arizona in the United States. The cloud was so dense that it seemed as if the sun were setting early. At least one person thought a volcano had erupted. 今年四月,源自中国大陆及蒙古内陆的沙尘暴,在六天中跨越了一...

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每日小短文背诵 (8)慕尼黑(8)

One of the world’s oldest stories, The Epic of Gilgamesh, is a lively tale of heroism and sacrifice from ancient Sumer. It also contains one of the earliest references to beer. In the story, a female friend of the hero changes a wild, primitive beast into a cultured human being by giving him seven cups of beer. 《吉尔伽美什史诗》是世界上流传最久的故事之一,栩栩如生...

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每日小短文背诵 (17)哈痒的科学研究(3)

Researchers did find a way, however, for people to tickle themselves. When volunteers activated a robot by remote control to tickle them after a short delay, the volunteers felt as if someone else were tickling them. It seems that the cerebellum sends a signal to disregard the forthcoming movement, then moves on to other things. Your brain “forgets” that you are...

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每日小短文背诵 (16)哈痒的科学研究(2)

A scientific study was recently done in England to determine whether or not people can tickle themselves. Volunteers were attached to a brain-scanning device and were tickled on their palms with a piece of soft foam. The participants’ brain scans were monitored while they were being tickled, and when they tickled themselves. It was found that during self-tickling, the ...

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每日小短文背诵 (12)啤酒(3)

The monks were not restricted to only brewing the beer, and consumption of it within the monasteries reached astonishing levels. One report from Belgium said that monks were drinking as much as five liters a day. Monastery breweries in Europe also ran their own pubs and enjoyed a tax-free status that came to be resented by the growing merchant class. 僧侣们不只局限在酿造啤酒...

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每日小短文背诵 (14)为什么会怕痒(2)

The part of the brain that is associated with tickling is the cerebellum. It monitors our movements, but ignores movements not perceived as a threat. For example, we do not notice our vocal chords moving when we speak, but we may jump if someone touches us on the shoulder. This selective perception is probably the reason why we cannot tickle ourselves. 脑部与怕痒有关的部位是...

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每日小短文背诵 (15)哈痒的科学研究(1)

We only feel ticklish if we detect a sense of invasion or attack. If we try to tickle ourselves, our brains anticipate this “attack” and prevent us from feeling panicked. Strangely enough, even if a person knows that they are about to be tickled, the fear of being touched may cause the same “ticklish” reaction. Some people laugh even before being tick...

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每日小短文背诵 (9)慕尼黑(9)

In reality, drinking that much beer is more likely to have the opposite effect. Nowadays, it is the beverage of choice among rowdy young people on a Saturday night out, and it has fueled acts of violence and destruction in more than a few societies. It is, nevertheless, the oldest known alcoholic drink in the world and is widely enjoyed. 事实上,饮用太多啤酒更可能产生相...

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每日小短文背诵 (4)慕尼黑

It was in the early years of the nineteenth century that Munich really began to grow, and many of the city’s best known buildings date from this time. Despite being the modern metropolis that hosted the 1972 Olympic Games, Munich has retained a quiet charm. It is easy to forget you are in a big city as you stroll through the English Gardens, one of Europe’s larg...

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每日小短文背诵 (13)为什么会怕痒(1)

Have you ever thought about why people are ticklish? According to scientists, ticklishness is a defense mechanism humans developed against bugs, spiders, and other critters that may be touching our skin. Feeling ticklish is our built-in response to predators or threats, and combines the sensations of touch and pain. 你有没有想过人为什么会怕痒?根据科学家的观点,怕痒是一...

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每日小短文背诵 (5)慕尼黑(5)

There is much more to modern Munich than beer gardens. It is Germany’s favorite city, insofar as surveys show a majority of Germans would prefer to live there. Some jokingly call it the only Italian city north of the Alps, a reference to Munich’s easygoing spirit that contrasts with the staid impression many foreigners have of Germany. 现代慕尼黑可不只有啤酒...

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每日小短文背诵 (6)慕尼黑(6)

Despite the city’s traditional image, many residents never set foot inside a beer hall or go anywhere near Oktoberfest, which is looked down on by some as a festival only for foreign tourists. These citizens see themselves as part of a thriving, modern metropolis which is the high-tech capital of Germany. Indeed, Munich plays host to a large concentration of communica...

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每日小短文背诵 (23)沙尘暴(6)

We seem to think, however, that economic development and preservation of the environment cannot go hand in hand. For most countries, economic development comes first, at the expense of the environment. It is high time everyone came to grips with the consequences of overusing the earth’s resources, including the misuse of land in the pursuit of economic wealth. 不过...

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