
Hi, everybody. On the first day of my administration, I promised to restore science to its rightful place. 大家好。在我就职的第一天,我承诺重建科学的重要地位。 I told you we would unleash American innovation and technology to tackle the health challenges of our time. 我告诉你们,我们将释放美国人民的创新精神和让科学技术来处理我们时代的健康挑战。 Over the last eight...

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Drug overdoses now take more lives every year than traffic accidents, and deaths from opioid overdoses have nearly quadrupled since 1999. 现在服药滥用每年比交通事故,夺去了更多人的生命。阿片类药物过量导致的死亡数量,已经是1999年的四倍。 Under Obamacare, health plans in the Marketplace have to include coverage for treatment, but there’s more we need to do. 在奥...

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Fourth, the Cures Act includes bipartisan mental health reforms, including important programs for suicide prevention. 第四,治愈法案包括两党性的精神健康改革,这包括预防自杀的重要项目。 And fifth, we’re making sure the FDA incorporates patients’ voices — your voices — into the decisions they make as they develop drugs. 第五,我们正在确保FDA(食品...

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奥巴马讲话 关注学生援助权利法案

Hi, everybody. Earlier this week, I visited with students at Georgia Tech to talk about the importance of higher education in the new economy, and how we can make it more affordable. In an economy increasingly built on innovation, the most important skill you can sell is your knowledge. That’s why higher education is, more than ever, the surest ticket to the middle cla...

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