美文阅读 (294)真正爱你的人

When you were here before 你在这里时 Couldn’t look you in the eye 我不敢直视你的眼睛 You’re just like an angel 你就像个天使 Your skin makes me cry 你的肌肤都让我哭泣 You float like a feather 你像羽毛一样 In a beautiful world 在一个美丽的世界 I wish I was special 我多希望我是特别的 You’re so very special 你是那么...

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美文阅读 (283)爱错了人 不如单身

Stay Single Because It’s Better Than Dating The Wrong Person 爱错了人,不如单身 It’s better to stay single and realize marriage isn’t the most important milestone in the world 保持单身更好,并认识到婚姻并不是世界上最重要的里程碑, than to force yourself into the wrong relationship, because you feel like that is what you are supposed to be doing...

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美文阅读 (348)情不自禁爱上你

I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You 情不自禁爱上你 Wise men say, only fools rush in 智者说,只有愚者才沉溺爱情 But I can’t help falling in love with you 但与你坠入爱河,是我情不自禁 Shall I stay, would it be a sin 若这是桩罪,我是否该就此止步 For I can’t help falling in love with you 因为我情不自禁爱上了你 Like the river flo...

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美文阅读 (346)爱情比忘却厚

Love is More Thicker than Forget — E.E. Cummings 爱情比忘却厚 Love is more thicker than forget 爱情比忘却厚 More thinner than recall 比回忆薄 More seldom than a wave is wet 比潮湿的波浪少 More frequent than to fail 比失败多 It is most mad and moonly 它最痴癫最疯狂 And less it shall unbe 但比起所有 Than all the sea which only ...

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美文阅读 (374)我们的爱

Our Love — Bruce Wilmer 我们的爱–布鲁斯·威尔默 Our love is something we have built 我们之间的爱,源自于那 From passions, hopes and dreams 不灭的激情和永恒的希冀 It’s safe from any passing moods 我们的爱能经受大风大浪 Secure from all extremes 任何疾风骤雨不为之所动 It’s something real and special 它纯净澄澈,稳固可靠 ...

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When I’m blowin out the candles 当我吹灭措烛 And when people start to sing 人们开始唱歌 I will always cross my fingers tight 我双手紧紧合住 I remember everything 我记得一切 But I always make my wishes 但是我总是许下心愿 For the same thing everytime 每次都是同样的事情 If I live to be one hundred 如果我能活到100岁 If I ever it getting...

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美文阅读 (386)爱的意义

The Meaning Of Love — Krina Shah 爱的意义–克里娜·沙 To love is to share life together 相爱便是共同分享生活的点滴 To build special plans just for two 仅仅只构思出两个特别的计划 To work side by side 肩并肩共同实现 And then smile with pride 面对面相视而笑 As one by one, dreams all come true 只要在一起就能实现所有梦想 To love is to help and encourage 相爱便是相互帮助...

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美文阅读 (455)与我共舞 直到爱的尽头

Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin 让你的舞步伴着一把燃烧的小提琴将我引向你的美 Dance me through the panic ’til I’m gathered safely in 让你的舞步带我穿越那恐慌,直到我被安全接纳 Lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove 像扶起一株橄榄枝一样将我扶起,做我的归家鸽 Dance me to the end of love 让你的舞步带我去那爱的尽头 Dance me to the end of lo...

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美文阅读 (343)爱上一个人的三个理由

3 Reasons for True Love 爱上一个人的三个理由 Surely, true love requires more than 3 reasons you may be thinking. I must be oversimplifying things. 当然,你可能会想,真正爱情的理由不止3个,我肯定把事情过于简单化了。 Maybe I’ve never really been in love and I have no idea what I’m talking about, or perhaps I’m just a lunatic. 或者你觉得我从没...

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美文阅读 (459)为爱已付出太多

You Have Loved Enough 为爱已付出太多 I said I’d be your lover 足以让我深陷其中 You laughed at what I said 你笑我呓语痴狂 I lost my job forever 我为你放弃所有 I was counted with the dead 死神已向我招手 I swept the marble chambers 我泪撒殿堂石阶 But you sent me down below 但你无情诀别 You kept me from believing 终使我深信 ...

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美文阅读 (435)我的爱,唯一,以及一切

My One, My Only, My Everything — D.Lancaster 我的爱,唯一,以及一切–D·兰卡斯特 For so long, I wished for the day. 盼望着,盼望着。 The day that our love would find its way. 盼望着我们的爱能够找到归途。 From my heart and into your soul. 找到从我的心底通向你灵魂深处的路。 The feeling so strong, I had no control. 爱意如此浓烈,我早已无法...

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美文阅读 (395)爱情十四行诗一百首

One Hundred Love Sonnets — Pablo Neruda 爱情十四行诗一百首–巴勃罗·聂鲁达 I don’t love you as if you were a rose of salt, topaz or arrow of carnations that propagate fire 我爱你,但不把你当成玫瑰,或是黄宝石或大火射出的康乃馨之箭 I love you as one loves certain obscure things 我爱你,像爱恋某些阴暗的事物 Secretly, between the shadow and th...

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My dearest one, I’ve just heard the news that all the army men who were held POW are to return to their homes. 我的挚爱,我刚得知一个消息。战俘们就要返乡了。 Because of the shipping situation, we may not commence to go before the end of February but can probably count on being in England sometime in March. It may be sooner. 鉴于航运现况,在二月底之前我们或许...

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美文阅读 (369)因为是你

You Are The One — Chris Messick 因为是你–克里斯·梅西克 For you I would climb 为了你,我会攀登 The highest mountain peak 最高的山峰 Swim the deepest ocean 游过最深的海洋 Your love I do seek 寻找你的爱 For you I would cross the widest rivers 为了你,我会穿越最宽的河流 Walk the hottest desert sand 走过最热的沙漠 To have you...

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美文阅读 (356)让我爱着你

Let It Be Me -by Phil Everly 让我爱着你 I bless the day I found you 感谢上天让我遇到你 I want to stay around you 我想和你一起厮守 Now and forever 不管天荒地老 Let it be me 让我爱着你 Don’t take this heaven from one 不要让我的梦想破灭 If you must cling to someone 如果你真的需要温暖怀抱 Now and forever 不管天荒地老 Let it ...

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随着都市生活节奏的加快,“剩男”“剩女”的现象也越来越为人们所关注,在生活、工作的重压下,他们不是不愿爱,而是不会爱了,结婚对他们来说只是为了完成对自己的责任,抑或是给父母一个交待。是什么使他们失去了对爱的激情呢?记者日前来到北京中山公园,采访了专门为未婚儿女来自由征婚的父母们,发现“爱无力”的男性具有一些共同特点: 钻石王老五说:“没有无缘无故的爱” 这种男人由于金钱和地位都有了...

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“我一定要娶她!”“我好爱我的老公呀!”当这样的话通过宝宝童稚的嗓音传出的时候,家长是哭笑不得,还是勃然大怒?为什么许多四五岁的孩子就有了“心上人”?是孩子太早熟,还是家长的教育有问题?其实—— 辉辉的“爱”,不等于“爱情” 案例:“辉辉,你最爱爸爸还是最爱妈妈?”“我爱妈妈,也爱爸爸,最爱婷婷。&rdquo...

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『人生哲理』愿意吃亏的人,终究吃不了亏,吃亏多了,总有厚报;爱占便宜的人,定是占不了便宜,赢了微利,却失了大贵。再好的东西,你也不可能长久拥有,不必计一时回赠,莫如常怀怜悯之情,常施援助之爱,得到人心,他物不缺。莫要以为成败无因,今天的苦果,是昨天的播种;当下的付出,是明日的善报。 姑娘们记住:宁愿找一个没太多钱但舍得给你花的男人,也不要找一个明明有钱却对你事事抠算的男人。男...

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