英文欣赏:真心英雄 Heroes among Us

The sun shone brightly in the cloudless blue Wabash, Indiana, sky.  印第安纳州沃巴什县晴空万里的蓝天上,太阳光芒四射地照耀着。 “That was an especially beautiful sunny day,” recalls Jimmy Mitchell, a statuesque man in his early thirties.  “那是一个特别美丽的晴日。”吉米•米切尔回忆道。他30出头,五官轮廓分明。 That day Jimmy was driving his car beh...

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英文欣赏:真心英雄 Heroes among Us

The sun shone brightly in the cloudless blue Wabash, Indiana, sky.  印第安纳州沃巴什县晴空万里的蓝天上,太阳光芒四射地照耀着。 “That was an especially beautiful sunny day,” recalls Jimmy Mitchell, a statuesque man in his early thirties.  “那是一个特别美丽的晴日。”吉米•米切尔回忆道。他30出头,五官轮廓分明。 That day Jimmy was driving his car beh...

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