英语范文背诵 (12):A Perfect Wife

After thirty years of married happiness, he could still remind himself that Victoria was endowed with every charm except the thrilling touch of human frailty. Though her perfection discouraged pleasures, especially the pleasures of love, he had learned in time to feel the pride of a husband in her natural frigidity. For he still clung, amid the decay of moral platitudes, to ...

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英语范文背诵 (11):Please Let Me Have a Little World

Please let me have a little world,please my dear husband.Be so generous as to Let me have a little of my own.If you find me scrawling on a piece of newspaper.please don’t piple over my shoulders.It may be that I’m inventing some paintful feelings long denied description,or trying to compose a little poem.Not yet for the time being,or attempting to scrath out some...

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总统演讲:Bush's speech before Election Day

Good morning. Election Day is around the corner, and one of the biggest issues at stake in this campaign is your taxes. Here is my philosophy: I believe that our economy grows and the American Dream reaches more citizens when you keep more of what you earn. With more money in your pocket, it is easier for families to afford a good education, it is easier for young people to ...

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总统演讲:Bush's speech before the Katrina anniversary

Good morning. Earlier this week, I had coffee with Rockey Vaccarella in the White House. Rockey is from Saint Bernard Parish in Louisiana, and he and his family lost everything they owned to Hurricane Katrina. Rockey drove to Washington to thank the federal government for its efforts to help people like him. And he brought a trailer along to help remind us that many good peo...

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THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. President Peres, thank you, sir, for your hospitality. Mr. Prime Minister and Mrs. Olmert, it’s great to be with you. We consider you friends. Heads of state, thank you all for coming. I think it’s a great tribute to this conference, as well as to Israel that some so many heads of state have come. Ex-heads of state and ex-leaders, th...

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President and Mrs. Bush Attend White House Easter Egg Roll  THE PRESIDENT: Well, Laura and I welcome you to the White House for the Easter Egg Roll. How about the Jonas Brothers? Thanks for coming. (Applause.) We are sure glad you’re here. We welcome you to the Easter Egg Roll.  Pretty soon after a few remarks, I have the honor of blowing the whistle to start the Eas...

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美国经典英文演讲100篇:Brandenburg Gate Address

Ronald Reagan Remarks at the Brandenburg Gate delivered 12 June 1987, West Berlin [AUTHENTICITY CERTIFIED: Text version below transcribed directly from audio. (2)] Thank you. Thank you, very much. Chancellor Kohl, Governing Mayor Diepgen, ladies and gentlemen: Twenty four years ago, President John F. Kennedy visited Berlin, and speaking to the people of this city and the wo...

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美国经典英文演讲100篇:Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation(5)

Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger. With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph — so help us God. I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December ...

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美国经典英文演讲100篇:Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation(2)

Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American island of Oahu, the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. And while this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint o...

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天生我材必有用 经典的励志英语视频短片

无论老天赋予你什么样的天赋,或者给让你经历什么样的苦难,都不要放弃做自己的机会,每一个人都是不一样的,相信自己。 My name is Olive. 我的名字是奥利弗 Due to a rare congenital condition,I have very small hands. 由于一种罕见的先天因素,我的两只手非常的小 As a youngster, I used anything to hide my hands from you. 青少年时期,在人前我总是把双手藏起来 Tenpin bowling was impossible....

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有经验的人都知道,给开水瓶灌水时,不能灌得太满,而需要留一个木塞大小的空间。如果灌得太满,木塞会被开水瓶内的压力冲起,甚至可能烫伤人体。 待人接物正是如此。人的潜力无限而忍耐力却是有限的。对于一些不起眼的人,我们千万不要忽视他们的存在和价值,更不该去凌辱他们的尊严和人格;否则,任何有理性的人都会不惜一战,像木塞一样,但不仅仅是溅起的开水把你烫伤,你可能为此付出比这惨重得多的代...

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有不少企业的领导,总会听到下属对自己抱怨的声音,有的不以为然,有的对下属大加责备,有的则怒火中烧。其实,这些处理方法都是不恰当的,这是上司与下属沟通不畅的主要表现。 下属对领导产生抱怨是很正常的事情,从某种意义上也可以说是一件好事,领导应该对此有足够的重视,处理起来也一定要掌握好分寸,如果盲目处理,就很容易使员工的抱怨转化为愤怒,到那时就无法收拾了,所以,对于员工的抱怨要及时...

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>>>推荐阅读:手机高清炮事件评论 猜到这股“荤风”是什么了吗?对了,“黄段子”,又名“荤段子”。日复一日的“黄段子”弄得office里的小姐气也不是,恼也不是,你今天要是害羞地抵挡了,明天说不定就鸟枪换炮了,对着你轰…… 戴着耳机敲键盘——林娟,女,25岁,某软件公司职员 刚进办公室,就听见阿刚和小钟又在兴致勃勃地&l...

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有一个问题几乎时刻都萦绕在每一个商人心中,那就是:“什么样的生意最赚钱?” 毫无疑问人们会回答:房地产啊、教育啊、汽车啊、能源啊、IT数码产品啊。显然这样的回答毫无意义,因为绝大多数商人既然已在船上,就不大容易改行跳上另外的贼船;何况这些“最赚钱的生意”仅仅是使从业者更有可能赚钱而已。 我们要的是这个问题的现实意义:怎样才能让商人在他们所从事的行业中赚到比别...

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1、人生在世,要受许多委屈。而一个人越是成功,所遭受的委屈也越多。要使自己的生命获得极值,就不能太在乎委屈,不能让它们揪紧你的心灵。要学会一笑置之,要学会超然待之,要学会转化势能。智者懂得隐忍,原谅周围那些人,让我们在宽容中壮大。——柳传志有次和杨元庆谈话 2、我觉得张瑞敏、李东生、任正非等很多企业家在中国都是很了不起的人物。首先,不管结果如何,他们把完全不可救药的企业,在当时非...

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1、我把自己定位为疯子。我戴着一顶疯子的帽子,在思想上和精神上可以天马行空独往独来,爱怎么想怎么想,因为我是疯子。 2、痛苦对于诗人是一种财富。而诗歌是释放和治疗。 3、假如我真的成条疯狗,就能挣脱这无情的锁链,那么我将毫不迟疑地,放弃所谓神圣的人权。 4、我是疯子,我在我自己的王国里是国王。很多东西,我放下了,我自在了。我不求酒色财气,我把这些放下了,我就自在了。 5、我要用手指向...

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一、逼上梁山型 从20世纪70年代末至80年代后期,长达10年的时间内完成创业的中国富豪大多属于逼上梁山型。在20世纪90年代一直到今天,此种类型曾有出现。其典型代表是连续数年位居《福布斯》中国富豪排行榜前列的李晓华,以及创办广东七喜电脑有限公司的易贤忠。李晓华的第一桶金是靠在北戴河贩卖所谓“美国冷饮”掘得,当时投入资金是3500元,收获则达10万元人民币。后李又在秦皇岛放录像,获利...

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每名富豪都有着不同的成长经历,巴菲特5岁开始摆地摊,丁磊的学习成绩一直在班级10名左右,而马云则因为一本书改变了人生。 1、丁磊:第十名现象 我们在浙江省奉化中学找到了丁磊的足迹。1986年9月,丁磊考入奉中学习,成为当时高一(2)班56位同学中的一份子,江鸿跟他是同班同学。 在江鸿老师的记忆里,10多年前的丁磊学业平平,入学时在班内的排名只有四、五十位,跟当下“首富”名号很不对称。...

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1、“不如我们从头来过”,这不知是多少夫妻、情人乃至于朋友都很想说也说过的话。然而,要把一切过去抹掉,从头再来,又谈何容易?若要从头再来,方法只有一种,那就是把自己彻底变成另一个人。不是变化你的生活习惯,也不是改变容貌声线,而是把你曾经送到对方手中的那一半生命割除。 2、正是记忆,不是别的,把昨天的我和今天的我联系起来,使我历经时间的变幻还能统一,而不分裂。 3、宽恕,是一种和时间...

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1“行事见于当时,是非公于后世。历史是人民创造的,也是人民书写的。一个领导者应该把眼睛盯住前方,把握现在,思考未来。” 2“公平正义就是要尊重每一个人,维护每一个人的合法权益,在自由平等的条件下,为每一个人创造全面发展的机会。如果说发展经济、改善民生是政府的天职,那么推动社会公平正义就是政府的良心。 3“ 如果我们的国家有比黄金还要贵重的诚信、有比大海还要宽广的包容、有比高山还要崇高...

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