编者按: 我终于意识到真正的幸福来自人的精神世界,来自人的心智与灵魂。诚然,在这个纷扰喧嚣的时世,想拥有宁静祥和的内心世界并非易事,这需要我们时常反省、冥思,还要自律。坦然直面自己实属不易。(你得有耐心,能体谅,只要可能,寻求上帝的帮助。)而一旦你的精神世界能真正远离暴风骤雨和阴风邪气的侵犯,你必将获得无比丰厚的回报。 A Reporter Quotes His Sources It’s rather difficult in the...
编者按: 我终于意识到真正的幸福来自人的精神世界,来自人的心智与灵魂。诚然,在这个纷扰喧嚣的时世,想拥有宁静祥和的内心世界并非易事,这需要我们时常反省、冥思,还要自律。坦然直面自己实属不易。(你得有耐心,能体谅,只要可能,寻求上帝的帮助。)而一旦你的精神世界能真正远离暴风骤雨和阴风邪气的侵犯,你必将获得无比丰厚的回报。 A Reporter Quotes His Sources It’s rather difficult in the...
President Bush Views HIV/AIDS Skit PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you all very much for letting Laura and me come by your school. And thank you all for coming. You did an excellent job. And we love the Peace Corps. They’re great, aren’t they? Listen, Laura and I are very impressed by your country. It’s exciting to be in a place that has come through a very diffi...
President Bush Meets with House Republican Conference THE PRESIDENT: I’m pleased to be joined by the Republican House leadership. These are dear friends of mine who are committed to doing what’s right for the country. I just met with the Republican Caucus from the House and I want to share some thoughts with you. First of all, we are committed to a good housi...
President Bush Welcomes 2008 National and State Teachers of the Year to the White House THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Good morning. Welcome to the White House. Welcome to the Rose Garden. We’re walking out of the Oval Office, Mike turns to me and says, “I like what you’ve done with the place.” (Laughter.) All I did was mow the lawn. (Laughter.) Glad ...
编者按: 那些你所想到的人,不管他们在你的家里或是其他什么地方,都是这条在几代人间延续的爱的链条上的一环。你对他们生命的影响,不管你是否看到结果,都是无法估量的。你所奉献的爱心与关怀将会在未来的岁月中转变那些处于迷失和绝望之中的生命。 Chain of Love “How do you account for your remarkable accomplishment in life?” Queen Victoria of England asked Helen Keller. “...
编者按: 人的生命存在就在于死亡来袭之前,珍惜那些使他短暂的生命变得高贵的思想,鄙弃对命运的恐惧,对自建的圣坛顶礼膜拜,不受机缘的摆布,摆脱主宰他外部生活的粗暴统治而取得心灵的自由,敢于骄傲地向那些不可抗拒的压力挑战 A Freeman’s Worship The life of Man, viewed outwardly, is but a small thing in comparison with the forces of Nature. The slave is doomed to worship Time and Fate ...
编者按: 你注意到了吗?那些野花只生长在你这一侧的路上,而不是另一侧。那是由于我早就了解你的瑕疵,并充分利用了它。我在你这一边的路上种上花籽,每天当我从小溪旁运水而归时,你就给它们浇了水。两年过去了,我现在可以摘下这些美丽的花儿来装饰主人家的桌子了。倘若不是因为你的特别之处,我们就不会有那些美丽的花来美化主人的屋子了。 The highest grace A water bearer in India had two large p...
编者按: 不要浪费任何一个实践某个充满潜力的非凡念头的机会。你不必为了实践那个小念头而等待大主意、总体规划的出现,或是等待同伴的赞同。 如果你下定决心坚持到底,那个小小的想法或念头就会是你成就伟大事业的开始。 Are You Ignoring That Little Thought What happened to that brilliant idea that you once had? Did you ignore it because you thought that it was just a little thought ? Have...
编者按: 美德好比宝石,它在朴素背景的衬托下反而更华丽;同样,一个打扮并不华贵却端庄严肃而有美德者是令人肃然起敬的。 Of beauty Virtue is like a rich stone, best plain set; and surely virtue is best, in a body that is comely, though not of delicate features; and that hath rather dignity of presence, than beauty of aspect. Neither is it almost seen, that very beautiful persons a...
编者按: 有时我们真像这风筝啊!上苍赋予我们困境和约束,赋予我们成长和增强实力所要遵从的规则。约束是逆风的必要匹配物。我们中有些人是如此强硬地抵制规则,以至我们从来无法飞到本来能够达到的高度。我们只遵从部分戒律,因此永远不会飞得足够高,使尾巴远离地面。 Life, free to soar by Wayne B.Lynn One windy spring day, I observed young people having fun using the wind to fly their kites...
编者按: 人需要有一种宗教信仰使他的生活有意义。我希望我也能有这样的信仰,但我的任何信念总会充满困惑和保留看法。然而,我写诗就是努力发掘生活的意义。偶尔,我用诗歌表现自己的经历和感受,从中也明白了我不曾意识到自己已经懂得的道理。因此,对我来说,诗歌创作的冲动表现出来的,不是因为不系统而不太真实的东西……而是一种信仰,那就是,人必须享受生活,探索生活的真谛,提高生活的品质。人可各...
编者按: 现在我终于明白,我生活着的这个世界不是等待我去打开的一扇牡蛎,而是需要我去抓住的一个机会。每一天我都视若珍宝,每一轮太阳带给我的崭新的二十四小时都鲜活而精彩,我绝不可将其虚度。从前,我终日忙碌,无暇顾及生活中某些重要的细节,诸如水波上的光影,松林间的风吟——现在,我终于学会去欣赏它们的美好。 A New Look from Borrowed Time By Ralph Richmond Just ten years ago, I sat a...
There are lots of different kinds of fast food places in the U.S.A.There are McDonald’s,Burger king,Taco Bell,Jack in the Box,and more. 在美国,有很多不同种类的快餐食物。有麦当劳,汉堡王,Taco Bell(塔可钟)和Jack in the Box(玩偶匣)等。 In fact,my favorite is Jack in the Box,because the food there is cheaper than the others’. They also servebig burgers wit...
Then he said aloud, “I wish I had the boy. To help me and to see this.” 然后他说出声来:“但愿孩子在就好了。可以帮我一手,让他见识见识这种光景。” No one should be alone in their old age, he thought. But it is unavoidable. I must remember to eat the tuna before he spoils in order to keep strong. Remember, no matter how little you want to, that you must eat h...
If I were only a little puppy, not your baby, mother dear, would you say “No” to me if I tried to eat from your dish? 如果我只是一只小狗,而不是你的小孩,亲爱的妈妈,当我想吃你的盘里的东西时,你要向我说“不”么? Would you drive me off, saying to me, “Get away, you naughty little puppy?” 你要赶开我,对我说道:“滚开,你这淘气的小狗”么? Then...
Grade Point Average-Talks-Education GPA成绩-话题-教育 Applying for college can be a source of pressure for high school seniors who want to go on with their education. 对于那些纠结升学(受教育)的高中三年组学生来说,申请大学是压力的根源。 Before the end of the first semester,seniors have to decide which colleges they want to apply to,and fill out their applicatio...
Tax is an inevitable feature of reality.Whether you are your own boss or working for someone else,there are always different taxes waiting to be paid. 税金是现实中一个无可避免的事。无论你是自己当老板还是为别人工作,总会有不同的况等着你去缴。 If you sell things,the government gets sales taxes.What complicates things is that every state is different,so price tags never ...
THERE is nothing in Italy,more beautiful to me,than the coast- road between Genoa and Spezzia. 我看来,位于热那亚和斯培两职之间的那条滨海大道,意大利再没有什么可以与之相媲美的了。 On one side:sometimes far below,sometimes nearly on a level with the road,and often skirted by broken rocks of many shapes: 一面是奔腾的蓝色海洋,它时而水位很低,时而几乎与路面持平。...
Tennis Court-Sports-Gears 网球场-体育-装备 It is springtime again.Spring is the best season for tennis.My twin sister Wendy and I both like to play tennis.We started since we were kids,and it is still fun today.Even though we are not professionals,at least we make sure that we look nice. 春天又来了,春季是打网球的最佳季节。我在娈生姐姐(妹妹)温蒂和我都喜欢打网球。...
Clothing-Talks-Details 穿着-话题-细节 I have always paid attention to fashion since I was a child.Now that I have grown up,I am more aware of what I wear every day. 当我还是个小孩子的时候,我就经常注意流行(时尚);现在我长大了,我更是关注(我)自己每天的穿着(是什么)。 I think that”style”comes first.It has to be the latest.Matching colors is the se...