
And no matter how great and compelling they are as you look into the distance. 不管目标多么伟大 多么吸引人在你眺望远方时 Don’t forget about what is right in front of you today because no matter how great your dreams. 不要忘记今天在你眼前的东西因为不管你的梦想有多伟大 No matter how great your destiny, never forget that the biggest thing you can do in any da...

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Low-income families and great Americans I still say it’s one of the greatest phases i’ve ever lived in my life. 低收入家庭 以及伟大的美国人我现在仍然认为 这是我生命中最好的时期之一 These buildings some of the greatest leaders and teachers or some of the elders in these buildings. 这些建筑中住着一些最伟大的领袖 教师 还有一些老者 Holding them together ...

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President Salovey, Provost Polak, Dean Cooley, Dean Gendler, Secretary Goff-Crews, Chaplain Kugler, residential college leaders, honored guests, and, lest we forget, women and men of the Class of 2020 … good morning and welcome. I want to extend my welcome to the parents and grandparents, siblings, and aunts and uncles who are with us today. As I welcome you, I als...

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I was going after the big brass ring I was going after something where I could make a difference. 我正追求重要目标我正追求让我出人头地的东西 This was so important And so I didn’t have time to follow up on all the details because I was getting busy. 这太重要了因此 我不再有时间管细枝末节的问题了 因为我很忙 Going after something so important Well i’ll t...

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Because my parents would come up to me with my mom saying very different things than other people. 当时我父母都到这里来母亲说的和其他人都很不同 You know she would come up to me and remind me what I want to remind you all that this should be a day of gratitude. 她跟我讲的 同我要跟你们讲的一样说这应该是一个感激的日子 She would wrap her arms around me and say be th...

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I got another call for shooting was on Court Street in our city I go down there, I do the same thing. I’m. 又接到电话说 我们市的法院街发生枪击事件我到现场 还是和原来一样 Going to people, telling them about our plans telling them that we have to pull together. 给人们讲我们的计划告诉他们 我们需要团结起来 That we are going to fight through this crime that we&...

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It was a puritan endeavor to find a space of gravity and divinity here on earth While me on the other hand, I at Yale university. 纽瓦克是为清教徒寻找庄严和神圣之地而建立起来的同他很相似 我在耶鲁大学 And proud to stand before you right now having founded a religiously based group while I was here. 现在很自豪地站在你们面前我也曾创立过一个基于宗教的团体 It is know...

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