
Dobriy Viecher Sochi! I am Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations. My warmest greetings to IOC President Honorable Thomas Bach and all those gathered for the 22nd Winter Olympic Games! The Olympics and Paralympics bring out the best in athletic achievement. The Olympic Flame also illuminates hope for our common humanity. Even in the cold winter weather, barrier...

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Your Excellency Prime Minister Yingluck ShinawatraITU Secretary-General Dr. Hamadoun TouréExcellencies,Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to send greetings to the Connect Asia-Pacific Summit, and I thank the Government of Thailand for hosting. The Asia-Pacific region is vast and diverse. It has numerous dynamic centres of innovation in manufacturing and information and commu...

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MRS. OBAMA: Oh, my goodness! Good morning! AUDIENCE: Good morning. MRS. OBAMA: I am so happy to be here with you all. I’m proud to be here in the Big Easy. Look at you all! (Applause.) You look good. STUDENT: You do too! MRS. OBAMA: Thank you. (Laughter.) I want to start by thanking Nicole for that very kind introduction and for sharing her story, which is not too unfamiliar...

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I am pleased to greet the Third China-Africa People’s Forum. I thank the China NGO Network for International Exchanges and the Sudan NGO Network for co-organizing this meeting. I also thank the Government of Sudan for hosting. Ending extreme poverty in Africa and across the world is a top priority for the United Nations. It is a moral and political imperative. The remarkable...

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Your Excellency, Mr. Maurizio Enrico Luigi Serra, Permanent Representative of Italy to the United Nations Office in Geneva;Excellencies,Distinguished human rights officials,Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank the European Union and the Italian Government for this commemoration of the World Day against the Death Penalty. Since the General Assembly adopted its first resolution on a ...

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Hello Global Citizens! What a beautiful crowd! Our world needs more solar power and wind power. But I believe in an even stronger source of energy: People power! The United Nations has heard your voices tonight. Loud and clear. You are the generation that can end extreme poverty by 2030. I commit to challenge world leaders to develop the most ambitious set of sustainable dev...

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On March 28 at 8:30 pm, the United Nations will switch off its lights in support of Earth Hour. We do this each year to call attention to the need for climate action now, and the brighter future that lies ahead if we act together. Climate change is a people problem. People cause climate change and people suffer from climate change. People can also solve climate change. This ...

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On March 28 at 8:30 pm, the United Nations will switch off its lights in support of Earth Hour. We do this each year to call attention to the need for climate action now, and the brighter future that lies ahead if we act together. Climate change is a people problem. People cause climate change and people suffer from climate change. People can also solve climate change. This ...

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Your Excellency Mr. François Hollande, President of France, Distinguished Heads of State and Government, Your Excellency Mr. Laurent Fabius, President of COP21, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, You are here today to write the script for a new future, a future of hope and promise, of increased prosperity, security and dignity for all. In September, at the United Natio...

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I have personally met thousands of heroines in countries around the world. Women defending human rights. Women challenging authoritarians. Women rejecting injustice. Again and again, I have been inspired by female leaders of countries and peacekeeping operations, women doctors and activists, mothers who sacrifice for their families, girls who champion the right to education....

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Mr. President, Mr. Secretary-General, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you very much for all your kind words. I am deeply honoured by the trust and confidence Member States have placed in me, and determined to be guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter. But first of all, I’d like to pay tribute to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Secretary-Ge...

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On my first day as Secretary-General of the United Nations, one question weighs heavily on my heart. 今天是我担任联合国秘书长的第一天。有一个问题沉重地压在我的心头。 How can we help the millions of people caught up in conflict, suffering massively in wars with no end in sight? 数百万民众身陷冲突,在看不到尽头的战争中饱受苦难。我们怎样才能去帮助他们? Civilians a...

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