生活就是要奋勇前进。所以,为什么不好好地利用上帝赋予我们的能力,尽量变成一个最优秀的人呢?生活、接受、面对、奋斗,这就是真实的生活。 Strive for Life Knowing that life truly is short and can only be lived once is probably the best line of thinking for inspiration. A
February 27 Threepenny Day A number of English gentlepersons managed to create a holiday by means of wrought1) bequests2) in their wills. One of these was Provost Bost, administrator of the public sch
编者按: 带着一个从未感动过的心生活会是多么令人悲哀呀! The Perfect Heart One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley.There was not a mark or a
【英文原文1】 A Sandpiper to Bring You Joy She was six years old when I first met her on the beach near where I live. I drive to this beach, a distance of three or four miles, whenever the world begins to c
【小编寄语】 每天,我们似乎都在赶时间。嫌网速不够快,感觉车开得太慢,连吃饭也抱怨上菜太拖沓……我们总是紧绷着神经,步履匆匆地为生活奔波。却不知道,因为一路快跑追赶,我们往往错过了道路两旁美丽的风景。试试看,让你的生活节奏慢下来。用享受的心态享用美餐,用沐浴的感觉享受阳光,用轻松自在的心情打发时间,也许,你会发现生活中许多不曾被你发现的快乐。 I believe in the importance
那是圣诞节的早上,安斯沃思太太道歉说:“赫里奥特先生,我非常抱歉偏偏在今天打搅你。我想你跟别人一样今天也该休息。”但是这些随口而出的客气话未能掩饰她话语中的不安。 【听力原文】 The Yorkshire Christmas Cat My strongest memory of Christmas will always bound up with1) a certain little cat.I
对我和霍莉来说,一切是从一只无主的猫开始的。它在严寒中被抛弃,在校舍楼前台阶上,蜷缩在一个球里。这是一所为心理不正常的儿童开设的小学,我在那儿每周提供三天的心理治疗。 Is Holly Working Today? For Holly and me,it started with a stray kitten1).Abandoned in the harsh winter weather,she
在美国,尤其在美国城市里,男女经常相约一起外出。他们一起滑雪,一起工作,一起去饭馆或在彼此的住处用餐。这并不意味着他们一定是对性感兴趣,尽管表面上看起来如此;当然,有一些男女是这样的。 Adult Dating in the US Men and women go out together a great deal in America,especially in the cities.They
编者按: 生命中到底什么最重要?是金钱,是地位,是名誉,是你远大的志向,还是对家人的关爱? Ready or not, some day it will all come to an end. There will be no more sunrises, no days, no hours or minutes. All the things you collected, whether tre
【美文欣赏】 信任!是一种弥足尊贵的东西,没有人可以用金钱买得到,也没有人可以用诱惑或武力争取得到,它来自一个人的灵魂深处,是活在灵魂里的清泉,它可以拯救灵魂,滋养灵魂,让心灵充满纯洁和自信 A Shared Moment Of Trust One night recently I was driving down a two lane highway at about 60 miles an h
Wedding customs and traditions The idea of having bridesmaids1),pages2),a best man and ushers originated with the belief that evil spirits,envious of the couple’s happiness,would be out to harm them,b
婚礼上的接吻还象征新娘身份的变化。当新郎揭开她的面纱去吻她嘴唇的时候,丈夫是在向大家宣布,他已确认并且接受了她新的身份。就像那王子的亲吻唤醒睡美人一样,她可爱的王子的亲吻把新娘从少女时期的酣睡中唤醒,并把她引进成年人的生活。 Kissing The Bride Western brides have been kissed as part of the wedding ceremony since
拥有万贯家财,也许是件很体面可以炫耀于人前的事情。但是,这又有什么可以炫耀的呢?财富可能遮望眼,可能迷心灵,让人看不到更体会不到生活的另一边的美好。那种美好金钱买不到,却可以由乐观的生活态度得到。所以,必须养成正确的财富观。 How Poor We Really Are One day a wealthy family man took his son on a trip to the count
【导语】 那鹿被车撞死了。一个在狭窄山路上开车经过的人看见有东西微微一动, 就停下了车。蜷缩在死鹿旁的是头脐带未断的初生幼鹿。“我想你活的希望不大, ”开车人一边扯断脐带一边对这个小生灵说道, “但至少我要把你带到一个暖和的地方。” 【英文原文】 The Deer and the Nursing Home The deer had been struck and killed by a car.
市内过周末所需的物品:白天穿的棉制或其他较舒服的裙子。为晚间的活动准备一件质量很好的裙子或一条裤子。一件薄毛衣或开衫,颜色要亮丽,另加三件衬衣,其中一件是黑色的丝制T恤以备晚间聚会时穿。 The Best Packing for a Long Weekend Leave the trunk in the attic1).It is possible to pack everything you n
编者按: 在艾伦当初听到这句格言的时候,他还只是一颗鹅卵石。但是当他面临危机,需要指引的那一刻,他就变成了钻石。所以,尽量多地收集些鹅卵石,那么有朝一日你就会拥有一个钻石般的未来。 The Magic Pebbles "Why do we have to learn all of this dumb stuff?" Of all the complaints and questions I hav
Dig a Little Deeper There's a story about the California gold rush that tells of two brothers who sold all they had and went prospecting for gold. They discovered a vein of the shining ore, staked a c
孤独的滋味,在与人相处时感觉最深,因为和别人相处,有时即使是恋人,也会因为趣味、性格和心情的不同而痛苦。 Solitary Life "Music I heard with you was more than music." Exactly. And therefore music itself can only be heard alone. Solitude is the salt of pe
编者按: 注意你所说的话。对你身边的人说鼓励的话。语言的力量...有时难以想象一句鼓励的话会有如此深远的影响。 The Power of Words A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep th
【英文原文1】 The Eyes of TEX Eric Seal thought the scrawny puppy a t his feet was perhaps five weeks old.Some time during the night,the little mixed-breed female had been dumped at the Seals’ front gate.“B