
Over the next generation, 在下一代 you, Sanford graduates, will lead a new wave of innovation. 你们这些斯坦福毕业生将会引领新一波创新 Which problems will you decide to solve? 你们决定处理哪些问题 If your world is wide, 如果你们的世界观足够宽广 you can create the future we all want. 你们将能创建出我们所有人都想要的未来 If your world is narrow, 如果你们的世界观太过狭窄 you may...

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So they rigged up an extension cord that ran 200 feet 人们只能临时拉了一根200英尺长的延长线 from the center to the diesel generator outside. 让社区中心能够接上外面的柴油发电机 Looking at this setup, I knew the minute the reporters left, 看到这种情形 我知道一旦记者离开 the generator would get to a more urgent task. 发电机就会被用到更紧急的任务 And the people at the community ...

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乔布斯2005斯坦福大学演讲 4

The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again. 事业成功伴随的沉重不见了,取而代之的是重回起跑线的那种轻盈。 Less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods in my life. 对于一切都不再确信无疑。我获得了解放,进而开始了我一生中最富有创造力的时期。 During the next five years I started a company named N...

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Congratulations, class of 2014! 祝贺2014届毕业生 Melinda and I are excited to be here. 我和梅琳达很高兴能来到这里 It would be a thrill for anyone 能受邀到斯坦福做毕业演讲 to be invited to speak at a Stanford commencement, 对任何人来说都是一件令人激动的事情 but it's especially gratifying for us. 我们尤是如此 Stanford is rapidly becoming the favorite university for members...

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Bill and I talk about this with our own kids around the dinner table. 我和比尔在餐桌上同我们自己的孩子们讨论过这个问题 Bill worked incredibly hard 比尔工作无比努力 and he took risks and he made sacrifices for success. 他冒过很多风险 做过很多牺牲 才取得了今天的成功 But there's another essential ingredient of success, 但成功还有另外一个很重要的成分 and that is luck. 那就是...

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I was so taken aback by what I saw that I had to ask myself, 亲眼所见的情形让我非常惊讶 我不得不问自己 did I still believe that innovation could solve the world's toughest problems? 我还相信创新能够解决世界上最困难的问题吗 I promised myself that before I came back to Africa, 我许下承诺 要在下次回到非洲之前 I would find out more about what keeps people poor. 更了解到底是...

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乔布斯辞职前最后一次公开演讲 1

Cupertino is very famous for Apple Computer. And we are very honor to have Steve Jobs to come here tonight to give us special presentation. Mr. Jobs? 苹果如今变得炙手可热Cupertino也沾光不少,今晚我们荣幸地邀请到乔布斯莅临现场。乔总? Welcome, Mr Jobs: you have a fan club here.. 欢迎你,这里貌似都是你的粉丝。 Thank you. Apple's grown like a weed, and as you know, we'v...

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And the way we deal with that is we displace them we put them into a golden world, an imagined world,an age of heroes, the world to come. 而我们处理它的方式就是将其替换掉我们将其放入到流金岁月,幻想的世界中,即将到来的,英雄的时代。 And in the life of an individual, we often associate that with some object. 当你以个人的状态生活时,我们经常将其和某种实体联系在一起。 The white...

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I am not telling men to step away from speaking for women's rights, but I am focusing on women to be independent and fight for themselves. 我不是在告诉男性不须再为女性权益发声了,我是在关注女性的自主独立和为她们抗争。 So dear sisters and brothers, now it's time to speak up. 那么,亲爱的姐妹兄弟们,现在是为自己说话的时候了。 So today, we call upon the world leaders to...

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Well of course, in the 20th century,glamour came to have this different meaning associated with Hollywood. 当然,在20世纪,魅力开始和好莱坞联系在一起从而拥有了各种不同的含义。 And this is Hedy Lamarr. 这是Hedy Lamarr。 Hedy Lamarr said, Anyone can look glamorous, all you have to do is sit there and look stupid. Hedy Lamarr说,只要你坐在那里装出一副傻样,任何人都可以看起来充...

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乔布斯辞职前最后一次公开演讲 6

Sure, and then the second question is because the increase of the employment, the resident is concerned also about the traffic. 好的,第二个问题,随着员工的增长,堵车在所难免, So, do you have any plan to deviate the traffic? 那要怎么办呢? Well, we're not increasing the employment by much . 我们没有那么大的招聘计划。 You're not? 没有吗? No. 没有。 Okay. 好吧。 It&#...

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希拉里退出竞选演讲 3篇

So to all those who voted for me and to whom I pledged my utmost, my commitment to you and to the progress we seek is unyielding. 所以,对所有给我投票的人们,对所有我发誓尽自己所能来为你们做奉献的人们,对和我一起追求进步未曾屈服的人们,我向你们表示感谢。 You have inspired and touched me with the stories of the joys and sorrows that make up the fabric of our lives. 你们的故事...

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Pakistan is a peace loving, democratic country. 巴基斯坦是个热爱和平民主的国家。 Pashtuns want education for their daughters and sons. 普什图人要他们的女儿与儿子接受教育。 Islam is a religion of peace, humanity and brotherhood. 伊斯兰教是个推崇和平、仁善与手足情谊的宗教。 It is the duty and responsibility to get education for each child, that is what it says. 让每位孩子上学...

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So now I'm trying to figure out 现在我不得不考虑 am I going to give myself up this situation 自己是否应该退出 do I take cab 然后打的过去 do I take a train 或是坐火车过去 But as soon as that goes into my mind 但就在我有放弃的念头时 all I see is news cameras all around me 我看到周围有很多新闻摄像机 and they're going laugh 记者们开始笑起来 We are live for the marathon ...

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Once when he was eating his contraband ramen 有一次 他正在无照小摊旁边吃面 next to the vendor, police started chasing the vendors and all the customers 警察来了 开始驱赶小摊贩和顾客 But my father told me 但我的父亲告诉我 that as he was running, he kept eating his noodles 他一边跑一边还在吃他的面 because he knew he wouldn't be able to afford any more 因为他知道自己买不起...

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A recent study by a group of psychologists in the journal Science 几位心理学家最近在《科学》杂志上发表了一篇研究论文 found that people are extremely poor at predicting their futures 他们发现人极其不擅长预测自己的未来 The study showed 他们的研究显示 that, for example, a typical 20-year-old woman's predictions 例如 一个典型的20岁女性 for life changes in the next decade of ...

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Baumeister and his colleagues 鲍迈斯特和他的同事们 have shown that taking certain actions to improve willpower 已经证明 采取某些行动来提高意志力 is the surest way to a more successful life 是实现更成功的人生的最可靠的途径 Moreover, they've shown that willpower is like a muscle 此外 他们也已证明 意志力就像肌肉 that can be built with practice 可以通过锻炼来强化 but also th...

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Okay, I see some of you will need to talk to yourselves a little bit 我认为你们有些人应该对自己说一下 Start on Monday 周一开始 if you aren't talking to yourself like crazy and you don't know how powerful you are 如果你不知道自己有多强大 you know, you will need to start to talk to yourself in a mirror 你每天早上可以对着镜子问自己 every morning, do you know how powerfu...

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For a lot of people, the distance between their dreams and their reality is intimidating 在很多人看来 梦想和现实之间的差距太吓人 and they get stuck they get paralyzed 他们因此变得无力 不敢往前 just like I was in that marathon 就像我在马拉松中的情况那样 and the only way forward 前进的唯一办法 is to be real about what it's going to take for you to achieve those dreams 是坦...

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Right there, in that library 就在那个图书馆里 I realized 我意识到 there is nothing greater than a mother's love and desire to protect her child 没有什么比母亲的爱和想保护孩子的心更伟大 nothing 没有什么比得了 I also decided that I will live my life in a way to make her proud 我还决定以让她自豪的方式过好我这一生 I decided to embrace the entrepreneurial spirit of my father ...

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