So when a request is entered into this box, 当用户输入请求之后 we do all kinds of semantic analysis, behavioral analysis, 将会对此请求进行各种语意分析,行为分析 intelligent interaction with the user 并与用户进行智能交互 than massive compu
For myself, with all the willpower I can muster 就我自己而言 我集中全部的意志力 I try to bring the sense of urgency in Dr. King's words to my work today 试图将金博士所说的紧迫感带入我今天的工作 I do this with an understanding that
So, just random contract jobs until 所以,我一直在打零工 I discovered this company called Odeo, 直到我找到了一家叫奥德奥的公司 which was run by Evan Williams. 它是埃文·威廉姆斯经营的 Biz Stone was joining in a few months. 比孜·斯通几个月后也加入了进
But what we quickly found was 但是百度 that we were still losing money. 仍然在亏损 Although we probably signed up the portal companies that 尽管占中国搜索流量超过80%的门户网站 represent more than 80% of the Chinese search tra
How many have you got? We want to know. We want to hear from you. 你收集到多少了?我们想要了解情况,我们想要听到你的声音。 One of the biggest pieces of feedback I've had since my speech is that men and women want to help but
But by editorial, 说到编辑 I mean there are a thousand things that we could 我是指我们正在做的1000件事里 be doing but there's only one or two that are important 只有一两件是重要的 All of these ideas and 来自用户的 all of these
That's all I can say 这就是我想说的了 It's like you want to start something up in here, right 你们很期待接下来的内容 对吧 It's like, now we got a commencement going on up in here 这里 我们正在进行着毕业典礼 That was beauti
Because it is the day before Mother's Day 马上母亲节就要到了 To all the mothers, Happy Mother's Day 我向所有母亲致以节日的问候 Now, graduates, you all handled your business, right 毕业生们 你们都做好了自己该做的事吧 Just because yo
and you have become an indelible part of the history of this school 并让自己也成为了学校历史中不可抹去的一部分 a history that, as you all know, stretches back 大家都知道 整个历史可以一直 to well before the Civil War, back to 1826 追溯到南
Another very unique thing for China is that, 另一件在中国特别的事情是 for this chart at the bottom, 从图表底部 you can tell that there are more than 700,000 可以看出每年有超过70万的 engineering graduates each year. 工科毕业生 Enginee
The World Bank Group is an extraordinary organization 世界银行集团是一个非同寻常的机构 founded in the 1940's 成立于1940年代 to rebuild Europe after World War II 初衷是在二战之后重建欧洲 Over the 66 years of its existence 在其存在的66年
But the interesting thing I realized along the way 我渐渐意识到一个很有趣的事实: is that payment is another form of communication. 付款是另一种交流方式 It's another exchange of value. 是另一种价值交换 The really interesting thin
He said and these are his words he said 我引用他的原话 他说 For twenty years I was a slave on these streets 我在这些街道上当了二十年奴隶 It was a penitentiary offense to educate a Negro 为黑人提供教育曾是应处监禁的罪行 I have seen my fello
What it is about Baidu and the Chinese search market that's allowed 是什么让百度在中国 Baidu to become much more successful than Google and Yahoo! in China? 比谷歌以及雅虎做得更成功 Specifically, what is it that Ameri
But in any case, I thought I had no choice. 无论什么情况,我都没有选择 So I put my head down and focused on operation technology, 我选择脚踏实地工作,专注于公司的运营 focused on the user's experience, and I delivered. 专注于提升用户体验
When I was growing up, 虽然我已经长大 But it was still a joy and a wonder to me. 我还是对它很好奇,觉得它很有趣 You had skyscrapers and 它具有摩天大楼 you had all of this hidden energy. 和所有这些隐藏的能量 Just walking around,you could fe
The thing that really inspires people 真正激发人们灵感的是 is a working product. 用起来得心应手的产品 When you're pitching someone, 当你向别人推荐产品的时候 the best thing you can do is 最好的办法就是 show them something that works. 向他
In 2008 I stepped into the chairman role of Twitter. 2008年我成为推特的老板 There was an interesting thing that was happening. 发生了一件很有趣的事情 The entire market was crushing. 整个市场都开始下滑 So, all of these financial o
Your excellencies, UN Secretary-General, President of the General Assembly, executive director of UN Women, and distinguished guests. 尊敬的各位阁下,联合国秘书长,联合国大会主席,联合国妇女权能署执行董事以及各位贵宾们。 Today we are launching
So, graduates 毕业生们 I hope that you understand that this day is not just the culmination of your own dreams 我希望你们理解 今天并不只是你们自己梦想的实现 but the realization of the dreams of so many who came before you 今天同时