Serious about energy independence
He said hello to members of the DOE and their new Secretary, Steven Chu. He announced new efficiency standards for common household appliances, an important shift in policy that will get us closer to
TED英语演讲:Temple Grandin, 这个世界需要各种心智
坦普.葛兰丁是自闭症患者,这个演讲里她讲到了自己的心智,以及分享了用图像进行思考的故事,这种思维方式使得她有办法解决一些常人难以解决的问题。她还指出,我们的世界需要各种各样的心智,包括视觉思考者、模式思考者、言语思考者,另外,我们还要特别重视对那些行为有点古怪但非常聪明的孩子的培养。 temple grandin: the world needs all kinds of minds 英语演讲稿:
And what's even more disturbing is what's happening with younger boys. 更加令人不安的是发生在年轻的男孩子身上的事情。 There's been about a decade of research about what people are calling the "boy crisis." 这有一个进行了大约十年的调查,关于
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President Bush Attends Ceremonial Groundbreaking of Walter Reed National Militar
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, Deputy Secretary England, for that generous introduction. I am so honored to be here at Bethesda National Naval Medical Center. This is often called the "Presi